Aggiecon Art Show
by VF-XX

Hello folks, I survived another Aggiecon this year, (I think this makes four). The art show this year was quite good, leaving me pining for a larger pocketbook. This year the show was primarily filled with fantasy art with a light spattering of science fiction and T.V. show tributes. Of the T.V. show tributes I most notably remember seeing some really nice Andromeda art.

There were quite a few head turning fantasy pictures there as well, if only I had more money I'd have them near me to describe in better detail. This year, like many before it, saw a wide variety of painted feathers. I learned something interesting about these feathers this year: they are not really feathers at all. For all the years I've seen them at cons' I was always amazed that so much detail could be put on those feathers, however my editor pointed out to me that the feathers themselves are actually painted on. Hooray for photorealism! *

There were also many lithographs of Ruth Thompson's work (, most memorable of them being the Fables series. Each of these three paintings centered on a Faerie in the woods with a few animals all themed to a classic fairy tale. The works were Sinderella, Big Bad Wolf, and Puss 'n Boots. More than just a play on the tales, each Fey dressed in modern clothing which I find unusual for the fantasy genre. Also included in her art shown were more traditional, but breathtaking, dragons.

There were a few paintings that really stood out from the rest in my mind. First there was a black and white picture of a female angel. This work was large, easily in the 2' x 3' and showed her profile from the mid chest up. I believe that the lack of color gave the picture a certain serenity and firm sense of purity. Another work that stood out was a painting of a dragon decked out like a St. Bernard. He stood proudly with head held high displaying a keg of "beir" around his neck. What really made me chuckle were the two hands protruding from the base of the painting. One hand held a sword in an attack position and the other held as beer stein in an "attack" position.

I swear: next year when I have a better income and my own living space I'm going to decorate using Con art!

*Editor's Note:
In the past, some artists painted on real feathers. However, this year they did photorealist feathers painted on the canvas. I speculate this is because of the spread of the Avian disease, Exotic Newcastle Disease. I agree with VF-XX, it was very nicely done.

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