Wanted #2

Review By Sidra Roberts

Producted by: Top Cow Publishing
Published by Image Comics
Written by: Mark Millar
Penciled and Inked by: J.G. Jones

Mom bought me this book at Aggiecon because it had art by J.G. Jones, who did her all-time favorite Transmetropolitian cover. I never in my wildest dreams would have believed I'd like a book by Top Cow.

The mature audience warning became blatantly obvious once I opened the cover. The title of the issue was F**K OFF and the opening paragraph on the first page was :

This is me and Lisa lying in bed and not having sex. This is her not calling into work and pretending to be sick. This is me NOT getting a blow job.

This also immediately got my attention and made me think, "You know, this book looks pretty darn interesting." This issue is about the transformation of Wesley, mild mannered paper pusher/doormat, into a supervillian. In 1986, all of the supervillians from all over the world teamed up and overthrew the superheroes. They did more than simply overthrow them, though. They completely erased all evidence of their existence. This book is one of those instances, where you know the people in it are bad and that they're killing innocent people, but you still like them.

If you like books like Transmet, be sure to pick up this series. It's cool and it's edgy. And I fully intend on trying to find the issue I missed.

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Text Copyright © 2004 Sidra Roberts

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