By Stephane Morrell


Kill Bill Vol. 2 is the follow-up to Quentin Tarantino's wildly popular Kill Bill Vol 1 ( Obviously ). The hitch here is that it is not, in fact, a sequel, but literally the second half of one film. They decided during filming that they could not wrap it up in a reasonable amount of time to fully tell the story, so they split it in half. ( The fact that it's twice the income I'm sure didn't hurt either ).

We find our character The Bride continuing on her killing rampage towards Bill, the father of a child she believes to be lost ( but as we found out at the end of Vol. 1, is in fact alive ) and the man who attempted to kill her for trying to leave him and their team of samurai assassins. This part of the story, although still bloody and action packed, although still full of references to old time japanese films and old spaghetti westerns, is a lot more concentrated on Tarantino-style dialogue, making the character development a little wider.

Not much more can be said. As it IS a second part to a single movie, it can't be reviewed too much apart from the first volume. Basically, if you liked the first one, you should like the second one. If you hated the first one, don't bother with Kill Bill Vol. 2.

Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group

-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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