By Stephane Morrell


Pixar's release this year is entitled The Incredibles. You may remember Pixar and Disney's previous ventures, Toy Story 1 and 2, a Bugs Life, Monsters, Inc. and Finding Nemo? ALL Great films. Really a success 5 for 5. So you figure they've gotta slip up sooner or later right? Well, not this time around, my friends. The Incredibles was truly a marvel in even more advanced visual effects, and a great story.

The story centers around a family of superheroes who no longer use their powers under new laws stating that supers are not to do so. However Mr. Incredible, the head of the family, receives an offer he can't refuse . . .

The placing of so much humanity in the superhero genre with such humour really works on so many levels. It's written/directed by Brad Bird, who's previous big number was The Iron Giant. Another story about humanity in a non-human and probably one of the best films I've ever seen. With the use of both humour, drama and a bit of suspense, not to mention an over the top silly super-villain, this really is one of the best movies of the year.

Oh . . . and as for that winning streak that is now 6 for 6? If you go see this, you'll also get a glimpse of their next year's movie "Cars" ... Though we must give it the benefit of the doubt . . . this one looks like it could be their first flop. (The graphics look amazing, the story/premise doesn't. )

Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group

-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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