Artistic License by Joe Singleton

The Wanderers were one of Jim Shooter's brain children, back in the 60's, when he was writing the Legion of Superheroes. The first hint of their existence was a statue of Quantum Queen seen in one of the Legion "imaginary" story set in the Legion's future, the infamous "Adult Legion" stories. I remember one of these stories with balding Cosmic Boy puffing on his pipe, because older people smoked pipes, right?

It would be two more years before the Wanderers actually made their debut. The Wanderers appeared on the scene in Adventure Comics #375 in a story where they come to Earth to introduce themselves to the Legion and pledge eternal friendship. On their way home, however, they passed through the Nefar Nebula, a "space cloud" with strange radiation that can cause complete character reversals. Turned bad, the Wanderers stole the Seven Stones of Alactos, which brought out the Legion to trail and capture them. The two super-teams fought and the Legion eventually subdued the Wanderers.

I hate to say it, but apart from Quantum Queen, this team looks like a collection of third-raters that even the Legion of Substitute Heroes should be able to best. Celebrand, the leader, seems to have no powers at all, and was so uninteresting that when they finally got their own book, writer Doug Moench didn't even bother to bring him back. Apparently, being team leader's not good enough.

The costumes are the worst collection of off-the-rack comic book pseudo sci-fi outfits. They're about as distinctive as a gray flannel suit. But, worse than that are the powers. You have Quantum Queen's energy powers, which are interesting and formidable, and Psyche's emotion control could be useful, but Ornitho changes into birds, whee and Dartalg (I'll go into the names, shortly) with his puny little blow gun, ugh. Elvo and Immorto could be interesting, but we never got to see them enough to make them really interesting. Immorto isn't really immortal, he's just ressurected every time he's mortally wounded, close enough, I suppose.

But, worst of all, this team from somewhere across the galaxy seems to be made up entirely of pink-skinned humanoids indistinguishable from northern European types. Except for Ornitho's wings, I mean. At least this would be addressed, somewhat, in the Wanderers limited series.

Apart from that first appearance, the Wanderers have only appeared in the background at gatherings, such as Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel's wedding, the Legion's rededication ceremonies and seen fighting the Daxamite hordes of Darkseid in The Great Darkness Saga.

By the late 1980's, there was a chance for a Wanderers series, and noted British artist Steve Dillon was tapped to redesign the Wanderers based on ideas by Doug Moench. As mentioned before, Celebrand was dropped as Moench felt he was uninteresting. In the story, the Wanderers have died and been cloned by a Controller and given somewhat different powers.

Ornitho lost his wings, but not his power of flight or ability to transform into any bird-form. Dillon's design is of a slight, frail-looking man with odd hair. The idea is that his bones are hollow, like those of a bird and he has to be careful when planetside.

Ornitho's name is changed to the slightly better "Aviax" in this series. Elvo was changed, as well, given large pointed ears and darker skin, he lost some height in the cloning process, too, which probably did little to put him in a good mood. He's called "Elvar".

Immorto becomes ReAnimage, and is given the additional power to resurrect the recently dead, in effect, healing them and bringing them back to life. One wonders why his power didn't resurrect him when he and his team mates were killed, eh? Quantum Queen's look changed a good deal in Dillon's designs, silver hair and silver costume, her powers remained essentially the same. Dartalg got shafted, if you'll pardon the near-pun, becoming Dartalon and long lost cousin of Porcupine Pete! This poor bastard goes from being just a lame-oid with a blow gun and a goofy skullcap to a spiny freak that no one wants to dance with, or stand next to in an elevator. Psyche's powers were extended a little, but nothing much.

Sadly, not one of Dillon's simple, elegant designs survived into the series, where artist Dave Hoover mangled them beyond recognition. This is what they appeared like in the series . . .

In this series, the Wanderers travel in one of the goofiest starships I've ever seen. And I've seen all the goofy ones! It has to flip over to land . . . seriously. 180 degrees, ugh! and ugly!

In preparing for this column, I bought a few issues of the series and the only redeeming factor in the issues I read were the Ken Steacy covers! There was this ludicrous and insultingly stupid storyline about the offspring of "natural" born beings and cloned beings turning into voracious life-hating monsters capable of interstellar travel. Here's a tip for the writers out there. If you're going to write science fiction, READ some science fiction and while your at it, read some FRIGGIN' SCIENCE!!!! Ugh! It pains me when I read these kinds of stories with their transparently anti-science themes. Science is not a monster, it is not the enemy!!!

(Steps down from soap box...mutters: Friggin' Luddites!)

Anyway, back to the Wanderers . . .

They managed to remain out of the spotlight in the 90's revamp of the Legion, as did many other former supporting cast members, but with this new Legion series, which I am enjoying immensely, thanks for asking, there's a chance to bring back the Wanderers.

Unencumbered by their previous appearances, I am free to redesign them as I please and how I see them is more like a team of freelance troubleshooters, super-powered mercenaries and investigators, problem solvers, if you will. And, unlike Doug Moench, I see a need, even a purpose, for Celebrand. He's the captain of the ship, literally and figuratively. He's the brains behind the operation, he's their negotiator and the liaison with planetary governments. The Wanderers are hired by governments and corporations to solve problems that fall outside the law or the usual societal remedies. Not exactly hired guns, but they will fight when they have to.

I only gave new names to three of them, I shortened Dartalg/Dartalon to Dart and made his weapons throwing darts of various types. Ornito/Aviax is Avix and I returned his wings, attaching them to his arms, his entire body is feathered, except for the mane of blue-white hair on his head. His homeworld is one of light gravity and he wears a grav belt when away from home. The starship ISV Wanderer has gravity set to .4 g as an accommodation to Avix. Elvo's a good enough name, I just made him even more alien looking than in the series. The sword and shield are his weapons of choice, but like Dart, he's trained in a wide variety of weapons and fighting skills.

Immorto/ReAnimage is a tough one, I hate both his previous names, really hate them, so I changed his name simply to Lazarus. Psyche and Quantum Queen are good enough names, so they can stay. Psyche is human, like Lazarus and her powers are essentially unchanged. Quantum Queen I decided is not human, she takes humanoid form to suit her companions, but her natural state is a complex interaction of energy fields. She is able to assume material form when she puts forth sufficient effort, but prefers a more "relaxed" state as a dense plasma state, faintly radiating in the infra-red. She's a hottie, yes.

Click Here to see a larger version!

As for Celebrand, as you can see, he's much like his original look, but no tights.

The black close-fitting suit is the "underwear" for his vac-suit. Yes, he's got a cigar going there in his right hand. It's the future, all cancer-causing elements have been engineered out of smokes, by them. They eat carnicultured meat on the Wanderer, too. Take that PETA and you veggie-nazis!!! The future is vat-grown, cloned animal flesh, yaaaayy!! (not so far-fetched, it has been done recently and made into sausage. "carniculture" learn it, know it, live it)

Damn, my soap box keeps finding it's way out.
And, just for good measure, the somewhat retro-style Independent Survey Vessel WANDERER. Because there are times when you can't wait around for the bus, or the teleporter, to get you where you're going. Or, you don't want to be left at the mercy of the bus driver or the teleport authority. Celebrand's talent is an almost instinctive understanding of hyperspatial math and he is able to plot hyperspace courses with minimal instruments. Almost "by hand", you might say, though his intellect is nowhere in the range of the Coluans, you could say he's very, very smart.

Joe Singleton's Great Big Fat Contest:

We will be drawing the winner of the Artistic License Make-over soon. The winning character makeover will appear in the Artistic License column in October. So, come back next month to see who won and what I do next!

- Joe Singleton

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