Toy Chest

By: Mathew Bredfeldt

Is it just me or are there just too many toy lines out there these days?

When I think about it, the 1980's were a heyday for Kids, since toy companies knew what would sell to kids and they did not have to fall back on lines from Japan to pad out their lines. In the 1980's it seemed like every cartoon that was in syndication had a toy line and every cartoon put out during that time had some sort of cool gimmick that translated well into toys. Take the Centurions for example; you purchased the figure that you wanted and got a basic snap-on weapon set with it for about $10. If you wanted the more cool weapons kits, then you had to buy them separately for between $10-$20, which was a lot of money back then. If you wanted, you could mix and match the weapons kits and make something cooler than those kits ever did.

This leads me to my second point, toys back then encouraged children's creativity. We did not have half of the fancy toys that kids have these days. One toy line I really liked that I'm not sure they make any more was called Construx. My grandfather would get me some Construx every Christmas when I was 8-10 years old, and I would spend hours building all sorts of things from grappling hooks to towers with my grandfather's help. This encouraged me to start building things with him from boomerangs out of wood, to a tree house in our backyard. This also gave me the guts when I was ten years old to purchase the Cobra Moray Hydrofoil from the GI Joe line. I got it on clearance at Best for like $10, and put most of it together myself. I just needed a little help with the pop-up missile launcher. I still had a great time putting it together and would have never had the guts to put it together all by myself without all those times I had my grandfather helping me put the Construx sets together.

We had no Dancing Elmo, hell we did not even have Elmo, and we had the regular Muppet characters that knew how to talk and did not speak in a high pitched whine. Anyway, we had hand puppets that you had to make up voices for if you did not know what they sounded like. I remember we had a few of the hand puppets based on the characters in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe that our mom would entertain us with even though she could not do the voices that well.

I'm longing for the 1980's again and I cannot seem to remember why. Is it because everything was cheaper back then or because the quality of the figures was better and we did not have all the collectors we have now? Or is it because I was young and we all have fond memories of our youth?

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Copyright © 2004 Mathew "thehammer" Bredfeldt

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