If you know me, you know I've been waiting to see
"Serenity" since it was announced. I've watched my
boxed set of "Firefly" DVDs so many times I can
think in Mal-speak, sometimes. I stopped whatever
I was doing, every time a commercial came on for
"Serenity". Yeah, I'm a fan.
No spoilers. None.
First of all, let me say, "Serenity" is not
"Firefly". There are definite differences, and not
just the cosmetic changes to the ship, or Mal's
gear. This is a movie, and it's structured like a
movie. That being said, there are plenty of
similarities to the TV series and all the cast
members make appearances. I only wish they'd had a
chance to throw Badger in, at some point.
We learn a little more about the structure of the
Alliance and the reasons we left Earth-that-was.
We learn a LOT about River, what was done to her
and what screwed her up. River is a force of
nature. As she should be. We learn about the
Reavers. We learn that they're even more
frightening and tragic than we ever thought they
One of the things I love about Joss Whedon's style
of hero, they're never perfect and they always
carry scars. Nobody comes out without scars, in
"Serenity". They're also funny and I like that.
At the theater, I saw one guy dressed as a
Browncoat. I wish I had an outfit put together, so
I could have done it, as well. I hope to see
plenty of Browncoats at conventions, soon.
The movie is longer than I had thought it would
be, almost two full hours. I saw the midnight
showing and the theater was only about half full,
if that. I hope that the weekend crowds are
better. I will see this movie again, and again.
The cast and crew did the same fantastic job on
the movie that they did on the television show.
One thing I missed was the theme song. I think it
set the right tone for the TV series and I would
loved to have heard it in the movie, even if it
was over the closing credits. The melody does play
near the end of the credits, but I like the
lyrics, so I would prefer to hear it sung. Just a
personal thing.
I laughed, I cried, I will be back for more.
Can't stop the signal.