Review by Joe Singleton

119 Minutes Rated PG-13

If you know me, you know I've been waiting to see "Serenity" since it was announced. I've watched my boxed set of "Firefly" DVDs so many times I can think in Mal-speak, sometimes. I stopped whatever I was doing, every time a commercial came on for "Serenity". Yeah, I'm a fan.

No spoilers. None.

First of all, let me say, "Serenity" is not "Firefly". There are definite differences, and not just the cosmetic changes to the ship, or Mal's gear. This is a movie, and it's structured like a movie. That being said, there are plenty of similarities to the TV series and all the cast members make appearances. I only wish they'd had a chance to throw Badger in, at some point.

We learn a little more about the structure of the Alliance and the reasons we left Earth-that-was. We learn a LOT about River, what was done to her and what screwed her up. River is a force of nature. As she should be. We learn about the Reavers. We learn that they're even more frightening and tragic than we ever thought they were.

One of the things I love about Joss Whedon's style of hero, they're never perfect and they always carry scars. Nobody comes out without scars, in "Serenity". They're also funny and I like that.

At the theater, I saw one guy dressed as a Browncoat. I wish I had an outfit put together, so I could have done it, as well. I hope to see plenty of Browncoats at conventions, soon.

The movie is longer than I had thought it would be, almost two full hours. I saw the midnight showing and the theater was only about half full, if that. I hope that the weekend crowds are better. I will see this movie again, and again.

The cast and crew did the same fantastic job on the movie that they did on the television show. One thing I missed was the theme song. I think it set the right tone for the TV series and I would loved to have heard it in the movie, even if it was over the closing credits. The melody does play near the end of the credits, but I like the lyrics, so I would prefer to hear it sung. Just a personal thing.

I laughed, I cried, I will be back for more.

Can't stop the signal.

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