Marvel Panel

Wizard World Texas, 2005

By Sheryl Roberts

I arrived half way through the panel, and there were lots of slides, but not a lot of information. The person answering the questions didn't appear to know much and a lot of the answers were "email Marvel and ask." Here are a few tidbits I gleaned from what little was there.

The Maxx line is currently The Punisher only. It's an initiative rather than a line.

There is no solid plan for Jim Mahfood and Brian Michael Bendis to do Spiderman.

Orson Scott Card is going to be writing Ultimate Iron Man for the next 6 months.

There are plans for a second Defenders series.

Spider Girl does very well in digest form in the bookstores. That's why they keep publishing it.

A quote from the panel moderator "Marvel needs good writers, as many as we can get."

Mark Millar is ill, and getting radical treatment.

Joe Quesada has said that as long as he's editor, death in the Marvel Universe will stick.

They are trying to introduce new characters into the Marvel Universe.

They are also in the process of revitalizing They urge everyone to go over and check out the new wallpaper.

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