"Joe and Monkey"

Review By Sidra Roberts Roman

"Joe and Monkey"
Published by Boxcar comics
By Zach Miller

I was wandering about the small press section of Wizard World Texas and what do I spot, but a clear simple line comic strip with a guy and a monkey. Well, as we all know, everything is funnier with a monkey. So I crept closer to the table and looked at more of the strips that were laid out across it. They were deeply humorous and very cute. So, I did what any reasonable comic geek would do, I picked up a copy of the collection, and I was not disappointed.

Joe and Monkey and the fewer strips of the precursor comic No Pants Tuesday are hilarious. It is both humorously inane and acerbically witty. Sometimes it can be both at once. The art is crisp and much like your traditional comic strip that you would find in the funny pages section of the newspaper.

It's a comic about a normal guy, his monkey and a evil robot named Kleptobot, what more could you ask for? It's an excellent book and if you have the opportunity to pick it up, I strongly urge you to do so. It would make a great present for that special dork on your Christmas list. Or if you want to take a look at it first you can look at Joe and Monkey online at

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