Catching Lucifer's Lunch is a unique horror comic. It
doesn't rely heavily on the typical clichés out there
in the genre. There are no zombies or vampires.
There is, however, a trip down into hell which has a
lot of literary allusions.
Probably the most distinctive thing about this book is
the art. Nothing is in high detail, but that's
because it's done in watercolor. And the detail that
is there is amazing and a real testimony to how good
Jason May is with watercolors. Which, for those of you
that aren't familiar with art, is a difficult medium
to master.
In the book Higgins, his brother Danny, and Jackie
are kidnapped by a cult that is led by a brilliant man
who has grand ideas to go into hell, open the gates
and gain power from Lucifer himself. It's an
interesting suspenseful story that is self contained
but has room to expand if T.J May chooses to.
Overall, it is very well done and I look forward to
seeing what the May Brothers do in the future. You
can purchase the book from If you want to
see a preview you can also go check out the first five
pages on the publisher's website at