I was cruising the comic shop looking for something to review this month, and I came upon this very brightly colored cover. In fact, one might describe it as psychedelic in nature. It had a guy that looked like an emo James Bond on the cover and the word Casanova emblazoned across the top. "Okay," I thought to myself, "I'm game."
I get the comic home, and I open it up. The first thing that I noticed was the coloring in the comic. It's black, white and this medium/light color of olive green. I don't really like olive green, but it sets off the art and the story quite well in this book. It's also not so olive as to scream, 'I should be part of a military uniform.'
There was another thing about the opening of this book that I found hilarious. The two rival factions are called E.M.P.I.R.E. and W.A.S.T.E. There is something very keenly Get Smart about that naming convention, and it made me smile.
As for the story, it's very interesting and original. Cassanova Quinn is the son of the leader of E.M.P.I.R.E. He is an independent contractor, who at the moment is on a mission to steal L'Rubis Seychelle. As he's on his way out, however, he is taken by E.M.P.I.R.E. and drug to his sister's funeral. She apparently died while inspecting an anomaly in the space-time continuum.
From the funeral, Casanova weaves his way through a strange series of events, places, and even times. The comic can be downright bizarre at times. There is a page where all of the dialogue is in French. I was able to understand most of it with the art and with my knowledge of Spanish. But overall, it is far more brilliant than it is anything else.
About three fourths of the way in there is a plot twist that makes everything else in the book make sense, and it's masterfully done. I'm still kicking around the implications of it in my head, and I probably will be for days.
I recommend that you go down to your comic shop and pick up a copy of it today for a fun, trippy read.