Part One |
Necessary NPCS
The Other Guys
The Players - The Titans
Refelexes: 4D
Coordination: 4D
Physique: 3D
Knowledge: 2D
Perception: 3D
Presence 3D Advantages: Attractive Appearance (-2d), Contact (The Titans- High) [-2d] Disadvantages: Romantic Attachment (Nightwing) [+2d], Unemployed [+2d]
PDV: 2D Equipment: Utility Belt
Gas Bombs
Gas Mask
Grappling Hook
Throwing Disks Beast Boy
Reflexes: 4D Coordination: 4D
Physique: 3D
Intelligence: 4D
Perception: 4D
Presence: 4D
Powers: Shapechanging 7D
*If the GM or one of the players have the DEO sourcebook this can be treated as
Blue Devil (See Magic Sourcebook) Terra (2)
Reflexes: 4D
Coordination: 4D
Physique: 2D
Knowledge: 3D
Perception: 3D
Presence: 4D Advantages: Contact (Geo-Force- High) [-4D], Contact (Titans- High) [-4D], Attractive Appearance [-2D]
Disadvantages: Age: (Youth) [+2D],
Speed: 20
Reflexes: 4D
Coordination: 4D
Physique: 2D
Knowledge: 3D
Perception: 3D
Presence: 3D Advantages: Contact (Superboy- High) [-3D], Contact (Titans- High) [-4D] Disadvantes: Age: (Youth) [+2D], Social Stigma [+2D], Resisting the beings in the dial [+2d]
Speed: 30
Equipment: * Treat as Advantage Alter-Ego. Player creates 6-10 different character sheets using the character creation system in the base book. These characters stats shall replace Hero's for one hour (in game time) when dialed or until he dials back to normal. At GM discretion twelve extra character points may be given to the player to overcome the 'Joe Average Tax' and balance the party a little more. Hero and Christopher King were not members at the same time. GM can run the adventure with one or the other.
Christopher King
Reflexes: 3D
Coordination: 3D
Physique: 2D
Knowledge: 3D
Perception: 3D
Presence: 3D Advantages: Contact (The Titans- Low) [+2D] Disadvantages: Secret Identity [-2D]
Speed: 30 * Treat as Advantage Alter-Ego. Player creates 6-10 different character sheets using the character creation system in the base book. These heroes stats shall replace Christopher's stats when dialed for 1 hour (in game time) or until he dials back to normal. At GM discretion twelve extra character points may be given to the player to over come the 'Joe Average Tax' and balance the party a little more. Hero and Christopher King were not members at the same time. GM can run the adventure with one or the other.
Cyborg was a member of the Titans LA and went through some major stat changes during his tenure. Both stats are included. Cyborg
Reflexes: 3D [5D]
Coordination:3D [5D]
Physique: 3D [8D]
Knowledge: 5D
Perception: 5D
Presence: 4D Advantages: Technological Aptitude [-2D], Lightning Reflexes [-2d], Alter-Ego, [Acute Sense (Vision and Hearing) - Alter-Ego only] (-1d each) Disadvantages: [Unusual Appearance - Alter Ego only] (-1d)
Speed: 30
Cyborg (later/original version)
Reflexes: 4D
Coordination: 4D
Physique: 8D
Knowledge: 5D
Perception: 5D
Presence: 4D Advantages: Technological Aptitude [-2D], Lightning Reflexes [-2d], Acute Sense (Vision and Hearing) (-2d each) Disadvantages: Unusual Appearance + 2d
Speed: 30
The Legion
Aside from their listed equipment, all Legion members have flight rings. Stats:
Flight Ring
Shadow Lass
Reflexes: 5D
Coordination: 5D
Knowledge: 4D Perception: 4D
Presence: 4D Advantages: Attractive Appearance [-2d], Wealth [-2d] Disadvantages: Authority Figure [Talok System] [+2d] Powers: Darkness Manipulation (Create Shadows only) 10D
Speed: 30
Light Lass/ Lightning Lass *
Reflexes: 4D
Coordination: 4D
Physique: 3D
Knowledge: 4D
Perception: 4D
Presence: 3D Advantages: Attractive Appearance [-2d], Wealth [-2d] Disadvantages: Uncertainty [+2d] or Irrational Behavior (Must be like twin) [+4d]*, Romantic Attachment [+2d] [In various continuities Lightning Lass/Light Lass/Spark etc has had relationships with Timber Wolf, Shrinking Violet, Chameleon Boy, Ultra Boy and Micro Lad.
Speed: 30 *Check with your GM for which continuity you're using.
Brainiac Five
Reflexes: 3D Coordination: 3D
Physique: 2D
Knowledge: 5D [10D]
Perception: 5D [15D] Presence: 3D Advantages: Contact [Scientific Community- High) [-4D], Mechanical Aptitude [-2d] Disadvantages: Shyness [+2d], Smugness [+2d], Argumentative [+2d]*, Stubbornness [+2D], Hides Emotions [-2D]*, Romantic Attachment (During various version of continuity Brainiac Five has been in romantic Relationships with Supergirl, Andromeda and at one point had a crush on Spark and possibly Invisible Kid) -2d
Speed: 30 Equipment:
Force Field Belt: *Depends on which continuity. These stats do not represent Brainiac Five from Post-Zero Hour up.
Matter Eater Lad / Tenzil Kem
Reflexes: 3D
Coordination: 3D
Physique: 3D
Knowledge: 4d
Perception: 3D
Presence: 5D Advantages: Attractive Appearance [-2d], Charismatic [-3d}, Mechanical Aptitude [-2d], Contact (Legion of the Super Heroes) [-2d]*, Access (Legion of Super Heroes) [-2D] Disadvantages: Compulsive Behavior (Cheering people up with jokes or advice) and (Annoying Brainiac Five) (+1d each), Youth {+1d) , Romantic Attachment (Shrinking Violet) +1D Natural Abilities: Digestive Adaptability 4d [Ineffective against magnezite]
Unarmed BDV: 2D
Shrinking Violet/Leviathan/ Atom Girl
Refelxes: 3D
Coordination: 3D
Physique: 3D
Knowledge: 3D
Perception: 3D
Presence: 2D Advantages: Attractive Appearance (-2d), Lighting Reflexes (-2d) Disadvantages: Shyness (-2d), Guilt (-2d) [Either regarding Venado Bay or Emerald Eye possession]*, Physical disability (-2d) [Bionic Limb]*, Self-hatred [-2d]* Powers:
Size Manipulation (Shrinking Only) 15D*
Speed: 30 (25)*
Bouncing Boy
Reflexes: 5D (2D)
Coordination: 5d
Physique: 2D
Knowledge: 3D
Perception: 3D
Presence: 3D Advantages: Mechanical Aptitude [-2d]* Disadvantages: Uncertainty [+2d}*, Romantic Attachment (Triplicate Girl/Duo Damsel/Triad) [+2d]
Speed: 30
Dorothy Spinner
Reflexes: 3D [0D] *
Coordination: 3D [0D] *
Physique: 3D [0D] *
Knowledge: 3d
Perception: 5D
Presence 3D
Advantage: Disadvantages: Innocent +2d, Strange Appearance +2d*, Young +1d, Physically Disabled +4d [Comatose]*
Speed: 30 [0] *One of Dorothy's illusionary constructs is an idealized form of Dorothy named Dot who actually has Attractive Appearance as an advantage and is not comatose. All physical stats for Dot should use the stats for Dorothy is were not comatose.
Lucas 'Snapper' Carr
Reflexes: 3D
Coordination: 3D
Knowledge: 4D
Perception: 4D
Presence: 3D Advantages: Attractive Appearance -2D, Charismatic -3d, Contact (JLA -5D, JSA -3D, L.E.G.I.O.N -2D, Justice Legion Alpha -5d, Young Justice -3d, Various Super Heroes -2d, Green Lantern Corps -2d) Disadvantages: Dark Secret (Accidentally betrayed the league when he was a teenager) +1d, Guilt (For Betrayal) +2d, Procrastination +2d, Dependent +2d (Bethany Lee-his ex-wife)
Speed: 30
Reflexes: 3D
Coordination: 3D
Physique: 3D
Knowledge: 2D
Perception: 3D
Presence: 2D Advantages: Contact (Various DC heroes - low- - 2d, Various Marvel Heroes - low - -2d), Lighting Reflexes -2d Disadvantages: Weirdness magnet (-2d), Romantic Attachment [A girlfriend on both worlds] (-2d)
Speed: 30
Reflexes: 3D (15D)
Coordination: 3D (15D) Physique: 5D [40D]
Knowledge: 5D
Perception: 5D
Presence: 5D Advantages: Intimidating Grin (-2d), Leadership ability (-2d) Disadvantages: Enemy (Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock +2d, Various Marvel heroes +2d, Darkseid +1d), Hides Emotions +1d, Sworn Enemy (Drax the Destroyer and Adam Warlock +2d)
Speed: 60
GM Notes Plot Synopsis Axel Asher-also known as Access-has just finished the adventure of his life. He is injured and fighting for his life. The heroes he was working with have returned to their respective worlds and thus lost their memories. Unfortunately three artifacts from each world were accidentally sent to the wrong Earth. He is too injured to recover them himself. Luckily, some time ago he transferred a tiny bit of his power to one person from each world in case of such an occurrence. Unfortunately he doesn't exactly know where the power is so he had several scientists (including Reed Richards and Ray Palmer) build device to track potential 'whenwalkers' and lost interdimensional objects. Access uses the last of his remain strength to teleport to the player's headquarters. The device has the following statistics:
Physique: 5D
Powers: The Shield (from Encounter One) Has a weight of about forty pounds and has a BDV: 6D, AV: 44 (When used to block) Body Points: 150 While he suspects that players may have some trouble recovering the objects he doesn't know how much. A vicious force has hired seven mercenaries to recover the objects. While the initial threat is gone, he has no way of knowing the worst is yet to come. Thanos, the mad Titan, has knowledge of Access and what will happen if the objects from his universe are not returned. The DC Universe (and many of its variants) where the objects are located will be destroyed. While the villains he has hired don't know this the whole charade is yet another ploy to seduce Death herself.
Encounter Zero The heroes are all sitting in the headquarters lounge of their headquarters. Give the players time to describe what it is they are doing. (If you're a plot heavy group even have them play out some of their favorite subplots and advantages/disadvantages from their status sheets. After a few rounds a big glowing box appears in the air. A man in a red and blue jumpsuit and red jacket falls out of it. He's bleeding profusely. Characters then must make a willpower roll. If they are at least moderately successful their minds begin to fill with vague memories of meeting this person before. "Oh-thank the Gods it's you guys. You're powerful enough to deal with this-and low enough profile to keep off the radar. Take this," the man says. He then hands them a device. "Find the artifacts-find the Whenwalker-and stop--" He then passes out. If the one the characters wants to know what the device It takes a moderate engineering roll to recognize it as some sort of temporal transporter. Hopefully the heroes will take up the mission. If not proceed directly to the wrap-up section of this adventure and award them with zero experience and 1 villain point. From here the GM has two options they can run the encounters in order from one to six or get out and extra D6 and roll randomly. Random rolling can lead to some funny side missions and at GM's discretion even give the players extra experience.
Encounter 1 The Scene: The Gateway City Museum - Archeology Wing. The players teleport in just as Doctor Helena Sandsmark and a few scientists from STAR Labs are looking over a shield. The shield is lying flat out on the metal table. It round red and white concentric circles that end with one blue circle with a white star in the middle. The players may shooed by the lab assistants. Assuming Doctor Sandsmark recognizes them (easy for Beast Boy and Blue Devil but moderate for the rest of the Titans and difficult to heroic for most of the Legion) they should have no trouble being allowed to stay. If the players ask where the shield came from and make a moderate persuasion attempt Doctor Sandsmark will tell them: "It is made of an unknown metal. It appears to be made using modern alloy making techniques but it was found in a site that has been left undisturbed since the 1600s." The point will be moot. Circe arrives shortly afterward. Upon the site of superheroes she won't be able to resist playing with them. Her opening maneuvers will be to cast illusion spells or attempt to turn the players (particularly male characters) into animals. Beast Boy gets a +4 to willpower to resist any transformation attempts. Circe is less likely to enter lethal combat against a woman. Combat ends when one side or another teleports out with the shield.
Encounter 1-A: If the players have the shield all persuasion roles against Doctor Sandsmark have a difficulty of (+2) but if they let Circe get away they have a (+4) The Scene: Gateway Museum Cafeteria. There are patrons at various tables. The heroes arrive in the middle of the fountain. Doctor Sandsmark is sitting at a table across of a slightly disheveled man in his mid-twenties. (If they've been to any version of Encounter Six they will recognize Snapper.) She looks mildly displeased about being there. They are in the middle of a conversation. ". . . I'm supervising a shipment of multicolored rocks we got in from Addis Ababa. Not really my department-but our chief geologist is on vacation. Red Tornado used to do these parent teacher conferences via email-well after that disaster the first one became." "I was visiting Diana. I'm doing research for a book-so it's no prob. Cassie is doing a good job as-" the man says. If the players haven't been spotted yet-they have now. If they have already been to Encounter Six-A and discovered all the clues this is their chance to warn Snapper. He's had enough experience with time travel that there is a chance he'll believe them. Helena will ask what they're doing here again but won't really have time to complain. A group of tough thugs (equal to the number of players times 2.) They head out of the cafeteria and into the closed off gems exhibit. If the heroes enter combat then most of Snapper's actions will be spent defending Helena and himself. He will spend character points and hero points if he has to. If worse comes to worse we will take blows intended for Helena on himself. After the goons beaten but before they teleport out they'll here the following bit of a conversation. "Look, we can finish this another time. I have a museum banquet in two days and. . . " she says. " . . . I understand. I got a book to work on and-" he says. Helena: Shave-and wear a suit. Be here by Seven local time. We'll talk then. On the off chance the heroes fail a short man with Einstein hair steps out the elevator the thugs are using for their escape. He waves his hands and says. "Nice Pop Rocks!" The rocks they are stealing immediately turn into tiny bits of candy, which the goons immediately drop. They must make moderate willpower roll to keep from passing out. Any damage to the museum is fixed. He turns to the players and says. "Tell old blue that's my way of apologizing for that whole mess with me and Impossible Man caused awhile back. . . . Oh and one more thing. Kltpzyxm." The rock turn back to normal and in spite of the fact that the repairs shouldn't stay fixed somehow they do.
Encounter 1-B: The Scene: Gateway City Museum - Hall of Gems The characters appear in the Gateway museums hall of Gems. Waiters are wandering around serving shrimp, pigs in a blanket and various other small snack items. Small glasses of wine are being served. If security notices the heroes arrive they will be asked to leave. The curator will chastise any male character for not having a tie. Otherwise, the players can feel free in mingle with the guest. If Snapper and Helena spot them they will once again be a little cautious. (Especially if the players needed Mxyzptlk's help in Encounter One-A.) After the players have either had their first encounter with security or the curator, a group of regular thugs equal to the number of party members times 3 plus one burst in through the skylight. Half the thugs have crowbars and half of them have pistols. One of the goons is special. He is wearing an overcoat and a pear of pants that are about two sizes two big for him. He is wearing a nametag that says: My name is with 'Otis' written in big red letters. His skill levels and stat levels are all one lower than the rest of the thugs. He does however have the leadership ability advantage as well of command (thugs) 5d and Probability Manipulation (Good Luck) 3D with the uncontrollable disadvantages. If Otis can manage a moderate perception roll he'll get 3D's worth miraculous things that seem to work in his favor. (Allowing him to do any thing from resist damage to actually manage basic thought.) If uninterrupted by the players, the thugs with crowbars will go immediately for the gems. Those with pistols will begin sticking up the wealthy guests. When the players enter combat Snapper's first actions will be to protect Helena and the other patrons. If the heroes loose this fight and didn't need Mxyzptlk's help-the scene plays out like the end of encounter 1-A. Otherwise if the characters are defeated (or knocked out) they wake up full healed at the Happy Harbor Sanctuary. In that case the missing Kryptonite could show up again in one of your GMs own adventures later. If the players roll 1 again proceed to Encounter Six-C. If that encounter has already been played that proceed to any other side encounter (number then letter) that the characters meet the prerequisites for arrival.
Encounter 2 The Scene: The players teleport in right as Prometheus has already started ransacking the Daily Planet newsroom. He has already knocked out Lois Lane. Jimmy Olsen is huddling in the corner with Alison the copy girl and is fidgeting with his watch. (Though he knows Superman is off planet with the Justice League.) Only one reporter remains doing his job. He is a man who looks like he is in his early 70s. The players may take on Prometheus anyway they chose. He came to town expecting the second string heroes of Metropolis so he only came with disks loaded with lesser fighters including Green Arrow (Oliver Queen- see JLA book) and Wildcat (which gives him an effective brawling skill of 12D.) A moderate of perception roll will allow players to discover that this spot has neither the true whenwalker or one of the items. Once Prometheus is beaten they may leave.
Encounter 2-A: The Scene: The players arrive in large tavern. Local Metropolis boxing legend Bibbo Bibbowski is tending bar. A bar room brawl has just begun. In the middle of this ruckus are Perry White and Jimmy Olsen (both of whom the players met earlier.) Players can chose to leave the scene and move to another encounter or become involved in the barroom brawl. It's up to them.
Encounter 2-B: The Scene: Korea, 1951: Bullets are flying everywhere as the heroes arrive. Soldiers from both sides are rushing the scene. The heroes can see several American troops. They see an American soldier go down. Another solider is getting him onto a helicopter. If they make a perception check they will notice the soldier looks a lot like Perry White and that the man attempting to get him to the chopper looks a lot like Lex Luthor if he had hair. The players may choose to intervene at this scene or leave. It is up to them. If they stay long enough (and make a moderate perception roll) they'll hear this dialogue exchange. Lex says: "You headed to the nearest mobile hospital?" Lex says. "Yes. . . " The Pilot says. "Good. . . this man is extremely wounded. There is a Doctor there who owes me a favor. Tell Frank that Lex brought him this one."
Encounter 3 The Scene: Wayne Manor- Some years ago. As the teleport in, an old man is cleaning in Wayne Manor. (Some Titans will recognize Alfred. Others will not.) The grounds are half covered with plants. The TV is broadcasting that some sort of Swamp Creature is attacking downtown Gotham. "Heellllllp MEEEEE!" someone shouts. Alfred runs outside. The players may go to assist. If they do so they will find Poison Ivy snarling and rampaging. (Her intelligence, perception have been reduced to 2D and her relevant skills are similarly adjusted.) If they do not do so Alfred will shout 'Oh dear!' at which point the players should realize something is going on. The players can deal with Ivy anyway they wish. A moderate perception roll will detect and artifact on her. It is the front page of a newspaper called The Daily Bugle demanding the arrest of someone called Spider-Man.
Encounter 3-A: The Scene: The players arrive in Wayne Manor. Alfred (who they recognize from their last encounter with him) is greeting people at the door. If the players make a moderate perception roll will notice the people at the door have concealed weapons. If the players don't notice that or chose not to interfere they may leave. They stick around and fight the goons they will discover that they are local mobsters who wanted to talk to Mister Wayne about 'an offer'.
Encounter 3-B: The Scene: The Players arrive to see Alfred (who they recognize from previous encounters) driving to a movie theater. It is mid-afternoon and a revival theatre is playing 'The Mask of Zorro'. If the players make a hard history roll (with metahuman history skill) they will be familiar with this event. (Some characters will like Beat Boy will have a +2 bonus). They are stuck with hard choices. They could (if they choose to do so) track down Joe Chill and perform a citizen's arrest him for some outstanding warrants. They could warn Alfred about the future (if he would believe them) or any number of things to change the outcome of what will happen later that night in crime alley. If 3 is rolled again during random rolling proceed to any mini-encounter that you meet the prerequisites for or to any main encounter of the GM's choice.
Encounter 4 The Scene: The hospital. Every room of the hospital has a bed in it. Some have a patient. The hallway is rather crowded. A giant gorilla and a gray metallic wheeled cart roam the hallways. If the players are using The Titans they recognize Mullah and Brain. The Legion can guess their identity on a moderate to difficult knowledge (history) roll. Brain will be carefully scanning the room with his cart looking for the artifact. Mullah will be attacking random patients and tearing apart anything he can find. If the players are playing The Titans, Mullah changes tactics and attacks them. Brain will use his psychic blast with a player who gets too close to him but will otherwise continue with what he was doing. Brain will stop once he reaches Dorothy Spinner's room. (Or when he makes three consecutive moderate perception rolls.) If the players defeat Mullah and Brain before finding the artifact they must search the building from top to bottom before finding it. When they reach Dorothy's room they find a seventeen-year-old girl lying in a coma. There are dozens of pictures around her bed. Most of them are of The Doom Patrol from various points in their career. (While they were never members at the same time-there is at least one picture of Beast Boy/Changling.) They only thing out of the ordinary is a DVD with a logo that reads 'Xavier's School for the Gifted, Westchester New York'. If the players trying to watch they'll see images of a group of super heroes they've never seen before in some sort of training machine. If Mullah and Brain get it first, they simply teleport out.
Encounter 4-A: The Scene: The hospital (again). The characters have returned to the Hospital. Or have they? There whole in the wall. If Beast Boy is present he will be surprised to find out that the staff is acting like had just been there hours before. (See Recommend reading section.) Wreckage still remains from that encounter. Now the lights are dim. There is a sign up across the room that says "New Haven High School: Senior Prom'. An odd looking creature that resembles a storybook troll is acting like a disc jockey. Dorothy's hospital bed is next to the DJ. Elderly patients (many with bad backs) are being help up by long flying branches and operated like a bunch of marionettes. There is a brunette of medium height is standing the bright light. She is the only one not dancing. If players make a moderate perception roll they will notice she bears a mild resemblance to Dorothy had she not been born deformed. The players may leave this encounter at any time. They may however attempt to free and treat the elderly patients. In which case the constructs have reflexes, coordination and physique equal to Dorothy's matter manipulation. Should the players fail a PDV roll against the arms they must immediately make a physique and willpower rolls (with any accumulated multi-action penalties) to or be tied up and forced to dance. Dot will dance with any captured player but not for very long. If any character (regardless of gender) offers to dance with her willingly she will begin dancing with them and even flirting with player. If the player shows even the slightest sign of flirting back, Dot will use seduction. (The players may react to this however they please within the confines of the character. Hero or Terra might be uncomfortable being hit on by a woman but Ayla Ranzz and Shrinking Violet might not be. Beast Boy or Tenzil might even encourage it.) The further the things go the less control Dorothy has on her constructs. If players play along the branches suddenly loosen. If Dot accrues any physical damage Dorothy's body in the hospital bed will show signs of it. (The same goes for anything else too. While this era was mainstream DC a bulk of Dorothy's appearance were in Vertigo comics. What'd you expect?) Should all the players be captured, have all the players make a presence role. The player with the highest success total (including those gained through advantages like attractive appearance and charismatic but not intimidating grin or leadership) will be let go. In case of a tie she will skew toward the one closest to her age (17).
Encounter 4-B: The Scene: A Funeral Home. A casket is being prepped for burial. The players cannot see whose it is from the angle they arrive from. They can see two people who do not belong there-Mullah and Brain. (Again.). This time all Mullah and Brain have is a pair of scissors and some sort of signaling device. They are prying open a casket and are doing something to it. The players may do nothing or the may chose to interfere. Should they do so, Mullah will hurry in his previous tasks and ward off the players. He will use up to four actions (with multi-action penalties) with one offensive action, one defensive action, and up to two to clipping the hair off the corpse, put his scissors away, grabbing Brain and activating the signal device. Brain will make use of his psychic blast. The encounter is over when the players defeat Mullah and Brain or when they teleport out. If the heroes attempt to question Brain and Mullah, they'll get an answer like 'a future which may not even come to pass. You need not concern yourself.' If 4 is rolled a third time proceed to any mini-encounter or main encounter of the GM's choice.
Encounter 5 The Scene: Keystone County Fair - The Hall of Mirrors. The heroes teleport in and find and Asian woman being held captive by Mirror Master. (The Titans will know Linda Park. The Legion members might not.) Both she and Mirror Master are reflected in all of them. (A moderate perception will allow one of the heroes will notice that Flash (Wally West) appears in only one of the mirrors. Mirror Master will be fighting a war on two fronts; one with Flash on the mirror realms and another with the players. Mirror Master will use his illusions and teleportation to his advantage whenever possible. Defeating Mirror Master reveals there was no item and that Linda was not the real Whenwalker.
Encounter 5-A: The Scene: The heroes arrive in a bank. There are plenty of customers everywhere including an Asian woman (who resembles Linda slightly but not quite) and her daughter. There are armed thugs (normal thugs equal to twice the party in number) surrounding the bank. The heroes may leave or they may deal with bank robbers.
Encounter 5-B: The Scene: The players arrive at a bus station. With an easy perception roll they spot Linda. She appears younger than she did in Encounter 5 last time the last time they saw her. She looks bruised and is obviously running from something. Players can intercede at which point. They can do anything from helping her with her bus fair whatever. At which point an angry looking man will spot them and start yelling at him for talking to his wife. The GM must make a will for him. He has normal stats. If he fails he actually confronts the heroes. The heroes may leave at anytime. If the players roll five a third time they may proceed to any mini-encounter they meet the requirements for an encounter of the GM's choice.
Encounter 6: The Scene: The Justice League Trophy Room. It is well lit. In the distance a man's voice can be heard going "Hawkman's old wings, check" with a brief pause for a snap of fingers and then a listing for 'Green Arrow's spare quiver" and another finger snap. The GM can then get a crazy as he wants listing artifacts in the Trophy room. (I.E.: 'The Tooth Guy lost fighting Batman' or 'J'onn's Oreos Anonymous Schedule'.) If the players haven't run into Snapper yet this is where they meet him. Odds are if they are in the JLA database he will know them at least by reputation. (The GM can have Snapper make a role if they want.) The players should have a chance to talk to Snapper and explain what is going on. (Assuming they haven't already.) If asked if he's seen anything unusual around he will say no and then go back to his weekly inventory. "A pair of Solomon Grundy's pants.." he says and then snaps his fingers. "Wait a minute--- Grundy doesn't wear purple pants." There is a loud shrak. Xotar appears. He has his usual array of gadgets. If the players are using the Legion (depending on the era) Xotar may bear certain members ill will. Otherwise he will focus his attention on Snapper. Characters may use whatever objects they have collected in combat against Xotar. Combat ends when one party of another grabs the object and teleports out. If the players have all the objects go to encounter 7-C.
Encounter 6-A: The scene: Happy Harbor Rhode Island-Three Days AFTER the regular encounter six The players appear in a very messy house. Posters of rock bands, cars with women in bathing suits and super heroes line almost every inch of walling space. The floor is covered with garbage, books and dirty clothes. The lights are off save from one dim light coming from behind a doorway in the hall. A cat is mewing loudly at the door. The players make search the whole house but turn up nothing other than some junk mail address to Lucas Carr and a letter from his publisher saying that his planned book on Wonder Woman has been cancelled due to recent world events. (If you are setting this before Infinite Crisis it could refer to the Medusa slaying or even her 'death' prior to Genesis.) If and when the players opt to investigate the door they will find it is locked. It takes either a moderate physique roll or an easy lock picking attempt to get the door open. Players will expect the worst here-a supervillain or something assuming this isn't their first encounter. What they find is a man in a pile of blood with his back braced up against the toilet. There is a bullet hole in the back of the neck. Next to the body is a photo album with pictures of the man in a tuxedo and a beautiful black haired woman in a wedding dress. On top of those pictures is a wedding invitation that reads: You are cordial invited to the wedding of Bethany Lee and-the rest too smudged with blood. The players may rule this a suicide and move on. In which case they can access the device and move on. Assuming they don't roll another six they are free to move on. Should the players make a moderate search, medical science (forensics) or criminology roll they will notice there is a bullet hole but no gun, which is an indication of a homicide. If they can solve it then may be able to prevent it later. Should the heroes do further tests (or an autopsy) they will discover the bullet is conforms to no known designs. (Legion members will know it was a round developed by the U.S. military ten years from the point in time they are in.)
Encounter 6-B: The Scene: Happy Harbor Rhode Island-Cap'n Jake's Crab Shack The heroes appear in the middle of a restaurant. There are fishnets and plastic fish lining the wall along with a few steering wheels from boats. Patrons are eating various forms of seafood and drinking various beverages. Off to the side is a lone table with a pair of candles to wine glasses a couple eating lobster tail. One of them is Doctor Helena Sandsmark (who the players met in encounter one) and the other is Snapper Carr. Depending on what point in time you're pulling the Titans from, players playing Beast Boy or Flamebird will recognize him but not right away. Assuming Helena and Snapper make their perception roll, they will recognize them and tries to keep his attention focused on their conversation. The Legion members have little to no risk of being recognized-save for those who were part of the team lost in the 20th century. If they do not approach Snapper and Doctor Sandsmark right away the wait staff will attempt to seat them. In either case, Xotar the Weapons Master arrives and begins attacking. Combat begins as it did in the encounter as normally played. The only difference once combats breaks through the outside of the building Xotar makes a beeline for Snapper's 1958 Corvette. Instead of advising the players on Xotar's weak spots and possibly being a direct hand in combat-Snapper focuses his actions on defending Doctor Sandsmark. (He will even take blows and spend hero points to do it.) Whoever gets to the car and teleports out with the pair of size XXXXL purple pants teleports out. If Xotar gets them then the players must play encounter seven. If the players get them and are playing using the random role method and roll a six again-proceed to Encounter Six - C.
Encounter 6-C: The Scene: Happy Harbor- City Recreation Center The heroes arrive in a large room. An attractive woman with long black hair is in a weeding dress standing next to a police officer in a full dress uniform. (If the players played through Encounter Six-A they will recognize and the dress from the photo album.) Snapper is clean-shaven and in a tuxedo and Doctor Sandsmark is in a dress. If the heroes walk by most of the crowd will be wondering what the bride's ex-husband is even doing there. If the walked by happy couple they'll hear the following dialogue. The cop says: "Snapper looks happier than I've seen him in awhile. But why's dancing with his student's mom? Bethany says: "Why do you answer your own questions?" After about four rounds (if the players don't leave): a group of normal thugs three times the size of the party each armed with laser weapons (see basebook) and shout: "We know the Justice League's buddy is here. We're boss told us not lets any of you leave until they show up." The players should be creative in dealing with this problem as fast as possible. At which point Snapper will tell them to get to his car-it was take the problem to the source. The team teleports out if they roll a 6 again treat it as Encounter 1 - B
Encounter 7 The Scene: The Wall of the Source - Time Unknown All the villains who were not captured or defeated are arriving with their respective artifacts. Thanos has begun his process to destroy the DC universes and return to his own universe with the collected soul energy for his Lady Death. This is essentially an all out brawl. The players (and Snapper-with a bow and arrow with a quiver from the JLA trophy room) duke it out for the artifacts. Thanos on the other hand is preparing his ultimate victory and will not attack directly unless attacked. If one of the players convinces one the villains to try collecting their payment, Thanos will attack but will attack anyone blindly (assign each target a number. The number of D6s to roll will depend on the number of characters present. 1-6 roll one. 7-12 roll two. 13 or more roll 3 etc). He will not be devoting full strength (4D or less per blow) and will not enter lethal combat unless the players go for the artifacts. If Thanos openly attacks a villain the villains quickly change sides.
Encounter 7-A Once the battle ends read the players can have their little post game banter and Access arrives. If the players went through any of the relevant mini-encounters, Snapper says: "If all the stuff gets deleted from time after this Access returns Thanos home does that mean-" Access says: "Yes. Sorry. Though of one of you concentrates very hard. . . maybe not." Players can chose to make a will roll. If they make a heroic roll or better they have a vague impression of that something about Snapper writing a book about Wonder Woman. If they find someway to tell him about it something happens. (See wrap up) If the players saved the Waynes they also have the option of redoing that here. (Though if this a continuing campaign it might not be recommended.)
Encounter 7-B Once all the artifacts are collect Access arrives (if he hasn't already) he thanks the characters for there help and says: "Well Snapper, let's hope they did just as well on the other side." Snapper will remark: "Oh no--- he's not meeting me for the trade off is he? You know I can't stand R.J. Why couldn't you have given the shard of power to M.C. She's one hot tamale. . . "
Wrap Up This is the part the players love: the dishing out of character points and hero points.
*Depending on the circumstance may be considered Villain Point worthy actions and thus exempt the player involved from experience from that session. ** Earning a villain point exempts the player from earning experience that session. Epilogue: After the wrap up calculated the average point winnings then read them the matching epilogue. The number assumes you played the game straight through without the miniencounters. The number in parenthesis is the number you must reach if you played the random rolling method. 1-23 Character Points (1-63 Character Points Random Rolled): The Earth's fate is a sad and tragic one. It was siphoned off the mainline during Infinite Crisis and then exploded before the reformation of New Earth partly due to your incompetence. Good for you! 24-37 Character Points (64-127 Character Points Random Rolled): Your Earth was mostly destroyed in Infinite Crisis. However it was one of the many Earths the collapsed into the mainline so some small chunk of it might remain somewhere in the New Earth. 38 Character Points on up (128 Character Points Random Rolled): Access has a sentimental soft side. He couldn't stand the thought of such of a valiant Earth collapsing into some massive interdimensional conglomeration. He grabbed your universe and shrunk it down and put it in a snow globe, which he keeps in his pocket next to the Amalgam universe, the original New Universe and some other universe where the villains originated on.
Recommend reading
DC: The Doom Patrol (the Grant Morrison and Jim Arcudi runs.), Hourman by Tom Peyer, Flash during the Mark Waid era Other Media use: Superman: The Movie and any episode of-well that'd be telling.
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