Dear Joe,
First off, I'd like to thank you for doing the
art for us. It's really quite good.
While I hadn't thought about it a full facial cowl
really was the only way to go for Lucas's costume
considering that he was probably more famous out of
costume than in it.
But the picture of Andrew just blew me away. Andy
has been inside my head (and on the page) in some form
or another since I was about sixteen. That is almost
exactly how I pictured him. Though I must confess, I
know what Stan Lee must have felt like when he first
saw pictures of J. Jonah Jameson. Aside from the
fact that Andy has a little more hair than I do and
looks comfortable in a suit-- he looks a lot like me.
I find this oddly amusing since over the years he has
become my dark reflection; everything I hope I'm not
and fear I could become.
I wish I had been able to give you a little
more time. Who knows what you could have come up with
for Ellie.
