Dear Jess,
I've written to you before. My wife was
recently retconned. I started dating my now not dead
ex-girlfriend. Only now it looks like she's also
dating my best friend. What should I do? Really, I
have no clue. Fighting mad scientists with eight
arms is easier than this.
- Lost in the Webs of New York
Dear Web Head,
As I said last time, there is a woman who is a
lot like you also having problems with similar
continuity issues. That's not the only way she's like
you, if you know what I mean. Due to all the retcons
she might be both biologically and chronological much
older than you, but I think she'd be a blast.
There is someone else-- someone you knew in
high school-- who I heard had relationship issues,
right now who I heard was (ahem!) jonesing for you at
one time or another. If you don't mind the emotional
baggage of missing kids there is always that option.
Or you could make the ultimate decision, but
No, I don't think that's an option where you are.
Sorry for suggesting it.