There is a still a lot of mystery around my grandfather. Why would a man who was run out of his home, who fought for every scrap of food in the ghetto, later go on to join what was in essence a privately financed eugenics project? Did he believe the hype? That if United Nations had an army of super beings that the dream of "never again" would become a reality? Was he really that gullible?
Was Simon Weinstein a mad genius or a holy man? Years ago, I had his greatest creation hauled out of a storage facility in Germany and shipped to my New York office. It is just a burned up hunk of pipes, old car parts and old gardening equipment. On the rare occasions when I let my mind wander into flights of fancy I wonder, did this post modern Prometheus really move? This urban golem really defend the workers in the camps and enact some kind of justice? Even my ability to gather information has limits.
If it really moved- was it by means some mechanism that I haven't detected in my decade of study? I know Grandpa could read minds. Did Grandpa Simon have some sort of telekinetic abilities, similar to Angelica's, that I wasn't aware of? Or is this knick knack just an overgrown paperweight? Or is his greatest creation not the twisted metal that looks like some post apocalyptic folk art but a small silver of hope in the depths of hell?
If that's all it is, how can I ever hope to understand it?
