two magazines the size of Shonen Gangan . . . it starts to put the whole price thing into perspective . . . ) Though, it isn't just the price. It isn't just that as a secondary market that we don't get all the titles. It is the lack of immediateness that we miss out on. One of the most important elements of manga, storytelling and sales wise, is the tension and anticipation of the next issue, the next part, the next hit if you will. And publishing manga the way it is not in America misses this completely. The books are not solicitation on a reliable schedule and if you want to know when the next one is due out you play a watching game on Amazon or Diamond comics, and that's if the ship date doesn't change.
The challenge here becomes not just one of cost (American companies already say they spend too much on making comics or translating manga) but the specialness of regular, or immediate, follow up, with additional content and extra stuff, be it articles, DVD's, or CD's. It would all be nice and good. Personally I'd love the monthly Gundam Ace to be published in English, it is already being published in Chinese, and that alone be the Gundam content (book/magazine wise) that we get. Even if a month behind, such a venture would be enjoyable to see. Or perhaps a monthly magazine more like Shonen Gangan. Right now it looks like the potential of this element of manga is lost, with Shojo Beat's cancelation putting a nail in the coffin of manga magazines expanding, but it is an element I think everyone needs to really thing about. While many fans that buy are of the "wait of the trade" attitude, i.e. I don't buy monthly, it is has created, or increased, the online attitude I wrote about last month. Retailers, companies, licensers, would be wise to heed this and perhaps bring the immediacy back. It isn't that it can't be done, translations cane be brought out quicker, it is the attitude that it will be a waste of money in the market. Well without this immediacy most of the market is going online and missing out the element of manga that is keeping me going back to Kinokuniya and not to my local comic book shop or book store for my manga fix. Something to think about as I encourage everyone to sample deeply of manga's great richness, especially if you can get it for less then $10 bucks all in one 1000 page tomb. ^_^
(As always drop a line to if you want to discuss, question, or argue anything I've said. I welcome the feedback!)