The Original Bioshock came as a big surprise. Seemingly "another shooter", it presented us with an introduction to Ayn Rand objectivism disguised as 50s era Steampunk Science Fiction. Taking place in the underwater city of Rapture created by Andrew Ryan. a visionary who sought to give man back the fruits of his labors without government or religion imposing its restrictions. The result was massive genetic experimentation that turned sour as its inhabitants quickly became addicted to the power it offered and genetically mutated themselves to the point of becoming monsters. As the "hero" of the game, you undergo these changes yourselves as you discover more and more about the city and its founder.
Fast Foward a couple of years ( or 10 years in the game ). You find yourself in Rapture once again. This time as an original design for the "Big Daddies" in the game. Struggling to uncover what happened to you and to the original "Little Sister" you stood guard over.
Taking place in Rapture is both a blessing and a curse to the game. Bioshock fans would not have it any other way, as the deep-sea city is part of what made the original so great. However, it also has a feel of "I've been here before". Granted, it's all new locations, but one can't help feel that the look of the place is more of the same. Of course, if it had been set anywhere else, fans would be angry.
The story is not as enthralling as in the first. Not that it's bad. But it does feel a bit more forced than the flowing story of the original game. Not to mention one of the main antagonists is supposedly a very important part of Rapture history, and yet, her name was never mentioned in the first game.
That being said, there have been some nice enhancements made to the gameplay. New weapons. The ability to use a "plasmid" and a standard weapon at the same time without having to switch back and forth. And some great underwater scenes as well. LOTS of water in this game. And really everything that made the first game FUN to play is still there.
Having thoroughly enjoyed playing it, it did still feel like a really big expansion pack to the original . . . which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.