3P0 in Pieces
Strange things are a foot with the new C-3P0 figure put out for the vintage collection in the Star Wars line. The pictures at this link 3P0 pictures link show that the figure can be taken apart somewhat. I guess it is so that it can simulate the damage he went through during The Empire Strikes Back. The strange thing about this is that it is not mentioned anywhere on the card with the figure. I guess that is a bonus that you get when the open the figure rather than leaving it sealed in the package.
C-O-N spiracy
You find out about the strangest things hanging out on message boards. On one of them I frequent someone was asking about conspiracy theories that he could use for a RPG he was running and someone posted a link to Wikipedia about this program that aired on the Anglia Television in the UK 33 years ago. The program was called Science Report and was talking about Alternative 3. The whole program was talking about how the best and brightest scientific minds (for 1977) were disappearing from all around the world. The thing that makes this so interesting is that it was supposed to be shown April 1 but had to be put on hold until June 20 because of industrial action, and it was all a hoax of War of the Worlds proportion. Here's a link to Wikipedia about it. You can also find the original videos of the program on YouTube subtitled in German for all of my German readers. Whatever you do, DO NOT GOOGLE SEARCH AND CLICK ON ANY LINKS THAT ARE NOT Wikipedia, YouTube or IMDB because you will find the craziest stuff you have never thought about before. It appears the more you dig into the internet the more crazy you can find. I don't think that something like Alternative 3 could be produced in this day and age because it is impossible to keep projects under-wraps with all the internet connectivity we have and all the blah-blahing that people do on the internet. It would take the likes of a Fox News or CNN to put their weight behind a project like that to make it work and sell it everywhere around the world.
Angel to Dark Horse in 2011
It was announced late last month that Angel, the comic based on the Joss Whedon character, is going to Dark Horse Comics in late 2011. Here's a link to the Comic Book Resources Robot 6 blog all about it including a scan of the announcement in the Buffy one shot that came out last month. This will hurt IDW because the Angel comic was one of the books that put them on the map back in 2005. My older brother said that he's going to start picking it up again once it moves back to Dark Horse. He would have been getting it now if not for the $4 price point that all IDW books are sold at. IDW will recover though, because they still have the Star Trek and GI Joe licenses and those are cash cows.
Math Does Not Work That Way!
As someone who has only had up to College Algebra in his educational career, even I know the math in this link is wrong. Hell a third grader could tell you that that math is all wrong. Unless Marvel has found some way to bend math in their favor and make 133 + 16 = 150 then Marvel needs to go back and take developmental math classes in college.
Complete Batman Beyond Cartoon to DVD
Possibly the best imagining of the Batman franchise in the future is coming to DVD according to this link. The Batman Beyond cartoon series is coming out on November 23rd, just in time for the holiday season, and will (as the press release mentions many times) contain all 52 episodes of the series as well as some featurettes and a collectable comic book. The price tag on this one is going to be quite steep at just under $100, but I'm sure places like Amazon and DeepDiscount.com will have them for less.
This book is not a comic book yet it is listed in the top 100 comic book books on Amazon. You also have The Watchmen trade listed twice when it is the exact same price for each listing. The only difference in The Watchmen listing is the covers, and that is all.
Solicitations for Dark Horse
Late last month, Dark Horse put out their solicitations for November 2010 and there were two things that caught my eye. First was the Jo Chen cover art for Buffy #38. I don't even know what is going on in the current storyline, but that cover with Xander and Willow tells an entire story without a single word. The second was a Hardcover Trade that Andrew Vachss and Zak Mucha have written called Heart Transplant. The book deals with bullying in schools and how big of a threat it is and keeps growing. I have read Mr. Vachss' fiction work in the past and it is excellent, but I have yet to read any of his non-fiction work. This book hits close to home for me because I was bullied all throughout my years of public school whether it was Elementary, Junior High or High School, I was always the target. Here's a link to the solicitations in case you are interested: Dark Horse Solicitations from Newsarama. Here's a look at the Jo Chen Cover for Buffy #38:
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