Usually I wait a few issues to give my opinions on a title, but once in a while I'm able to do so more quickly. Sometimes a new title is just THAT good or THAT bad, but it's rare. This situation is one that is even more rare, it's a new title that's a continuation of an old title. That title of course is Doctor Who.
Just a short time ago the first "full" comic series of Doctor Who from IDW ended. It bridged the gap between series four (or season four for us US folks) and the 2009 special The Waters of Mars. Well, it bridged a gap we didn't know was there, but considering the fact that we're talking about the Doctor there could be many gaps out there to someday be explored. But, to return to my previous point the first full comic series ended just a short time ago. Like the Doctor himself though, the series has gone through a regeneration. While we must say goodbye to the tenth Doctor (once again) we will now be able to see some new adventures of the eleventh Doctor.
The new comic series appears to pick up shortly after the end of the fifth series that aired during 2010. This is quickly established by having the characters of Amy Pond and Rory Williams on board the TARDIS with the Doctor and making remarks about their wedding. In fact, it turns out that some things that happened in connection to their wedding are what resulted in the first issue's adventure.
As with the previous comic series this new Doctor Who is once again written by Tony Lee. He did a wonderful job previously and created a story through the last comic series' sixteen issues (and annual) that was easily on par with any of the current modern Doctor Who TV series. Andrew Currie definitely did great work as artist for the first issue of the new comic series, but the appreciation must be for what it is, one issue. As with the last series this new Doctor Who will feature various artists. I can be honest in saying that I didn't always like the art of the last series, but with Tony Lee's writing I never doubted I would be picking up the next issue, and I'm certain that will once again be the case.
At this point there does not appear to be any hint as to what Tony Lee is cooking up for the long run, but then again the last series didn't reveal things in an obvious fashion either. Much like the TV series Tony Lee was able to create smaller stories that seemed independent but actually contained elements of the greater story overall. I sincerely hope he will continue that trend.
For now, I will say that if you are enjoying the eleventh Doctor on TV then you should check out this most recent "regeneration" of the Doctor in comic form. The first issue shows that Tony Lee does have the characters down to a certain degree. Rory does seem to be the weakest, but then again . . . it's Rory. The first issue is actually very comical and it shows that Tony Lee is fully aware that Amy and Rory are "current" and that they exist in our present. Plus, there is a bit of interesting information in regards to how the Doctor's altered cell phone works, and some of the potential it may carry (perhaps in the larger story to unfold?). It's a new year, and you've got some new Who to check out, if you're so inclined. I think you should be so inclined.