Artistic License by Joe Singleton

As it happens, I had a hard time coming up with an idea for this month, but someone out there helped me out by requesting a commission that interested me. These folks are living in Japan and their boys kind of missed their seventh birthday last year, because of the earthquake and tsunami, so Mom and Dad are playing catch-up.

The idea was to do a little mini-comic with their boys, for a birthday card. I asked about their favorite characters, one of the boys likes Superman and Captain America, the other likes Spider-Man and Wolverine. That gave me a starting point for creating costumes.

I don't usually do likenesses, but sometimes I'll give it a shot, so I got started and tried out a couple of cover designs, but decided I wanted to have the cover be an action scene. For the interior pages, I thought a rescue scene would be good, because they wanted the end to be a big family hug.

So, I went to work, and here's what I came up with. They're going to write the dialogue, themselves, but I think it's more or less, easy to "read" without words. Except for the dinosaur in the first panel of the comic itself. One of the boys has a red stuffed dinosaur. I decided to make him a character, too. In that first panel, he's tracked the villain to his lair and called in the boys. From there, it's a pretty straight-forward.



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It was a lot of fun. I like doing these kinds of commissions.


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