So, we have here, some more art for the V&V card game. A little more than last time. I still prefer the images with a story to tell, rather than just character pieces.
First, we have Absorbing the Essence. Empress uses the McGuffin stone to absorb the energy of Mirage's illusion.

Dr. Apocalyse is one of the big bads in the V&V universe. His power comes from the demons he's holding back inside the stone on his forehead. It's supposed to act as a doorway for the demons to enter our world and let them take over, but the man's personality is strong enough that he holds the demons back. In this piece, he's drawing on the power of the stone to give himself some super-power or other.

Next is one of those character pieces, this time it's Asmodeus, described as a huge demon. I made him a classic demon type, horns, hooves and all. He's shown here, munching on rich, gooey souls.

A demonstration of astral projection with the hero Psimon passing through a stone wall.

This was a tricky one. It's sometimes hard to find the look for some characters. When I don't have a lot of knowledge about them, it often takes a few tries to get an idea that fits. That was the case with Baron von Mayhem. He's described as an ancient steam-punk sorcerer, if that's a thing. I first latched onto the steam-punk thing, and drew him with a steam rocket pack and goggles and such. But, he's supposed to be more of a hands-off/send in the steam-powered robot army kind of villain. I decided to go a different route with him, after learning that . . .
Rather than the clothes of an adventurer, I thought of traveling clothes, a look to go with his apparent age, social status (if he was a real Baron, who knows if that's simply an affectation or not?), in an antique style, of course.

As he's so old school, the Baron's tastes run towards the classics, hence the Dirigible of Doom.

And his steam-powered robots.

I seem to have done a lot of pieces with the mind-witch called Motivator. Here, she's focusing her power.

Intercrime is a criminal organization in this universe/game with several classes of hench-types. These are called Firebrands and I'm pretty sure one of them is named Milton.

Iron Maiden is one of Bill Willingham's characters that made it into his Elementals series, albeit with a bit of revision. She became Chrysalis and had a much better mask, but in this scene, it's Iron Maiden attacking the Raven. I went through three different drawings to get this done, I had a pretty specific idea what I wanted for the attack and it took all those tries to get it right. I wanted a real surprise attack, but I wanted both characters facing front.

Mirage factors into a lot of these pieces, as well. The scene called for Mirage walking down the street, cars crashing and a random elephant charging past her, but that didn't seem warped enough, for me.

And here she is, in a piece calling Releasing the Shackles, though she's actually opening the super-reinforced door of an Ultramax prison cell for Leo the Lion.

The title they gave this one is Spontaneous Combustion, but it's really more of an example of pyrokinesis or something. Lady Armageddon zapping the cops' guns causing them to explode.

Omni-Primus is the villain on the cover of the second edition V&V rule book (the first one I ever saw and which I still have on my bookshelf. Classic green and purple costume, tosses heroes around like they're sacks of potatoes. Here, he's achieving ultimate power from these stones. I'm sure it's not a metaphor for anything.

And the last this month, another character peice, A warrior from the deep. He was described as "orc-like", so that's what I started with.

This was actually one of the first of these pieces that I did, but I didn't get around to scanning and coloring it until later.
Well, that's about it for this month.
Joe L. Singleton
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Copyright © 2012 Joe Singleton