Medal of Honour (2010) Limited Edition - A reboot of the highly successful and reasonably extensive EA World War 2 based first person shooter. I received the Euro release of the Limited Edition for Christmas, which includes a HD remaster of Medal of Honour Frontline installable from the disc. After 10 minutes of playing it and enjoying it anew after all these years, I tried the main game itself, and... yeah. Maybe it wasn't such a bright idea for EA to demonstrate exactly how far the franchise has fallen. Redeemed in multiplayer? Who cares. MoH games used to have great single player experiences, not just tunnels with endless chatter and cut scenes. Brink - A seamless mixture of single and multiplayer experience in a team based FPS, or so I'm led to believe. Certainly more fun than I expected, but a little difficult for my candy ass. It's not really targeted at the single player, as it's essentially a Team Fortress knockoff with a slightly more serious plot and characters. The provided bots for playing through the campaign in single player aren't completely useless, though. A good sign of the fun level involved is that I was willing to retry a mission I'd failed rather than play something else, even with the frustration of being offed constantly due to my general lack of FPS talent. Blazblue Continuum Shift: A sequel to BB Calamity Trigger by Arc System Works, this is a fun 2D beat 'em up with extensive single player features, always welcome in today's "online or fuck off" world. Having said that, it does have online matches, but I can't be bothered trying them. The single player features include a classic arcade style mode, an extensive story mode where you play through the stories of each character, and a wargame mode I haven't even tried yet - presumably you fight people to win territories on a map. As well as all this, there's a significantly useful interactive tutorial, too. So, all the goodies are there, how's the actual fighting? Not bad at all. It very much had the feel of Marvel Vs Capcom 2 to me, although it's not a tag team fighter, just one on one. Just had that vibe, what can I say? Double and triple jumps, significant differences in abilities and moves between characters, the whole ball of wax. There's even a scrub friendly beginner mode which essentially lets you button bash your way to happiness and success. About the only flaw I found in the game was hearing "counter!" about 400 times during each match, but I imagine speech can be turned off if it grates too badly, and it's also probably an indicator of my lack of talent. My favourite fighter series is still Soul Blade/Edge/Calibur, but BlazBlue isn't half bad either. I'm not sure I dig the Silent Mobius meets Full Metal Alchemist meets Laputa vibe of the plot, but it certainly looks pretty in the backgrounds and in the character designs.
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