So, I was thinking about doing something with my domain. It's got a Comic Press setup and I haven't done anything with it, in all the time it's been there. At the same time, I've been working on getting Ad Astra going again and HeroBlog, and I found myself having to go looking for reference pics for characters, costumes, etc. I guess I should have paid more attention to tagging my posts, make it easier to search through them.
Anyway, I decided to do something I've never done before, with the "Universe" site and that's to create a character index along the lines of the Handbook of the Marvel Universe and DC's Who's Who. Each character will get an entry with a standard full-body costume shot and a few scenes from their career. I will do new art for many of them, but some I will excerpt from HeroBlog and Ad Astra art. I am nothing if not lazy!
Sadly, this process is slower than I'd hoped, so I only have a couple of pieces finished to show off the format. As this is a Word Press/Comic Press layout, the "blog" portion of each post will contain the text info for each character. I will include relevant dates, where I can, because time does pass in the HeroBlog world.
As Amp is the guy who writes HeroBlog, I did his page first. He's shown in what will be his costume when I get around to relaunching HeroBlog. In his action shots, I thought it was appropriate to show some of the costume evolution, and his earliest battle with a "super-villain", though, technically, Mulch-the compost heap that walks like a man, is a monster.In-universe, an encounter with Mulch is sort-of the obligatory "test" of a new hero. Mulch has been around since the 50s and he/she/it seeks out heroes for reasons no one has ever been able to fathom.

Second, I did Wildstar, because I still think this is the best costume design I ever came up with. In his action shots, I have included one with his track suit costume. In the story I've worked up, Wildstar and his brother make their first costumes from whatever they could find. It was the 70s, so these kinds of track suits were everywhere. They later got skinsuits from the alientech discovered by Ultiman, another hero from their world and time. Wildstar comes from a parallel world that was destroyed when their sun nearly went nova, as a result of the destruction of the solar system in an adjacent reality. They were lucky, in a sense. In other realities, the sun did go nova and wiped all life from the system. Many people were later rescued from their Earth, before it became completely uninhabitable.
One of Wildstar's action shots, the one on the far right, is inspired by a classic Spider-Man shot.

So, on an irregular basis, I'll be posting these things on and will update them, when I do something worthy of an update with each character. It will be a resource for the readers and for me.
Joe L. Singleton
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Copyright © 2013 Joe Singleton