It's November, and all I have to say is, bring on the Turkey and other fixings around the end of the month. Seriously folks, since I really find myself in a financial bind until the beginning of next year, I really don't have a lot to talk about. While I was surfing the internet early last month, I came upon a list of the top ten weapons that made for gruesome deaths on video games. After looking at that, I thought I would make up a list of the Top 5 Video Game ranged weapons. (Please note that these are in no particular order.) The Lancer Assault Rifle (Gears of War and its various incarnations): What's so good about the Lancer; other than it is just your standard future assault rifle? The fact that instead of a knife as a bayonet, the Lancer has a chainsaw as a bayonet; that's right it has the tool that every zombie movie has to kill zombies on the rifle. The Cerebral Bore (The Turok games): I think I have only played one Turok game (The one for the Nintendo 64) and I am not sure if this was in the game. But the weapon is basically a gun that launches little drills into an opponent's head that when it hits it'll start drilling into their head and pumping out the blood and then after a few moment's their head will explode. I think when I saw the video for this weapon on YouTube I really rethought the choices I made in life. Hammer of Dawn (Gears of War), what do you call a gun that is essentially calling for a laser of death from orbit? The Hammer of Dawn. This is not some puny kill one or two characters weapon, this is a laser of death that kills hundreds of enemies at once. The only thing is that the satellite that you get the beam of death from is only over your head before it rotates out of your location for a few minutes. The M-1 Garand Rifle (pretty much any WWII shooter) This is basically the rifle that won WWII for the Americans. While now we have the M-4 carbine for use in taking out terrorists, which is semi-automatic and has at least 20-30 round magazines of 5.56mm/.223 ammunition the Garand Rifle has about an eight shot magazine that held .30 caliber bullets. Still you can kill a lot of Germans in a video game with one of these things. The Tripwire Crossbow (Gears of War: Judgment): This is a relatively new weapon, but it takes a old technology (The Crossbow) and adds a twist to it by making one of the settings it has launch a tripwire that when tripped will explode. Kind of like the proximity mines that were in Goldeneye or Perfect Dark for the N64. Honorable mention goes to the Farsight Rifle (Perfect Dark) that absolutely killed players who camping in one area and were using the proximity mines to keep you from getting to them. It could see through walls and launch its globes of death through said walls.
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