I've been fairly busy, lately, doing art for some tabletop role playing games. Month before last, I showed you some art for Godsfall, this month, it's for the super-hero RPG called Supers!
The first piece I was asked to do was described as a "detective type" hero disarming a bomb, while getting tech support. It was also supposed to show the coutdown timer.In order to show the hero, in his best light and not an over-the-shoulder type shot, I came up with the eye-piece to show what the hero is seeing on the tech support guy's screen. And, of course, it gave me a chance to use the classic split-panel frame that was always used in comics when someone was talking on the phone or radio.

With that one done, I had a series of requests, and these are just the ones that have been okayed to show.
First, there was a scene with a hulking brute swinging an I-beam like a club, hammering a hero with a shield. Nothing else to go on, except the guy with the shield should not be in a "flag-suit".

I decided to make my hulking brute golden, because they've done green, red and purple brute types in comics.
Another piece involved a character meant to be a Caitlin Fairchild type strong girl. I can't come anywhere close to aping J. Scott Campbell's style, but I did what I could.

Then, there's the classic speedster running up the side of a building. I thought the view looking down from the top would be the coolest angle. Plus, a side view needs after images, and I was never very good at that. You play to your strengths...

Another piece involved a character swinging on a line that had just been cut in mid-swing. But, there was no mention of WHY the line had snapped. That gave me an idea for an off-screen villain to have thrown a whirling blade of some kind. From there, I tried to think of a shape that would be distinctive and for some reason I thought of a butterfly. And because it's a "throwing iron", my brain spat out Iron Butterfly as a name. From there, it was inevitable that I'd take a crack at designing the character, and here we are.

The hero in the swinging piece had been described as a Daredevil type character, so she'd be his Elektra.
Joe L. Singleton
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