AJ Reardon

Well before she had strung her first bead, discovered the joys of role playing, or met her husband Chris Reid, AJ Reardon’s first love was writing. Though it started with (admittedly quite bad) fiction, after doing a stint as a movie reviewer when she was 15 she developed a fondness for criticism. Not criticism from others, of course, but for criticizing the work of others. Whether she loves or hates the piece of media at hand, AJ relishes the opportunity to share her opinion. She has found a happy home here at Collector Times, where she feels free to say whatever she wants about anybody.

When she’s not writing for Collector Times (that is to say, for most of the month since she’s a terrible procrastinator), AJ spends her time doing beadwork, playing Ultima Online, and of course, role playing. She enjoys a wide variety of games, including Earthdawn, DnD 3rd ed (yes, the d20 system is the evil, but it’s still fun to play) BESM, Call of Cthulhu, Rolemaster, and occasionally some World of Darkness, Rifts, or ShadowRun if anyone is up for it. She’ll play just about any role playing game once, and is even trying to write her own rules system. May God have mercy on her soul.

AJ is in her early 20s, has been married to Chris Reid since early 2000, and has two cats who like to claw up her character sheets. Her favorite comic series are Girl Genius, Blade of the Immortal, Sleeping Dragons, and the various Courtney Crumrin mini-series, not necessarily in that order. She enjoys a wide variety of music, and loves martial arts movies and anime. Some people call her an elf and others believe she doesn’t really exist. And no, she won’t tell you what AJ stands for, and she doesn’t want you to guess.

E-mail AJ at: ErtheFae@aol.com

Visit AJ at: www.erthefae.net

Web Page Copyright © 2003 AJ Reardon