Craig Gaddis

A.K.A. Craig "The Beast" Gaddis. Arriving from little known obscurity in the gaming scene in the early 1990s, I quickly became wrapped up in the Magic craze, and became one of the early backpack dealers of the singles market. Leaving this hobby to run game stores in 1995, I managed the Gamesmasters South store for a while, until the internal politics and backstabbing became too much, forcing me to found a real game center in Clear Lake, Games Nation, Inc. Undeterred by the copies that sprung up to mimic my success, Games Nation, Inc. remains a service centered game store in the area, and though I have begun to focus on another career, can still be found challenging all comers to random games during the evening and weekend hours. Personally, I am a local late-night club entertainer, and can sometimes be seen in better downtown restaurants with a former Miss Houston winner. My aspirations are no longer world domination, but to live life with no regrets. As for a code to live by, it is always easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission (blatantly stolen from a L5R card).


Web Page Copyright © 1999 Craig Gaddis