Nathan Bredfeldt

A.K.A. "Dr. Nate"

I think of myself in terms of three things. It occurred to me (eventually) that I should explain them in this bio, because I have never written them all down or shared them with many people.

First, and least important, are my hobbies. I like reading comics, and maybe just as much, I enjoy the behind-the-scenes politics of comics. I like to write non-fiction and, to a lesser extent, fiction. I like watching a little television; shows like Buffy, Mystery Science Theater, General Hospital, and Red Dwarf. And finally, I enjoy playing board, card, video, and strategy games.

The second trait I associate myself with is my love for all of God's creations. I do my best to love all the creatures of this Earth. I don't want any living thing to suffer, and that's the one part of God's plan for the universe that I just can't reconcile myself with.

Finally, every bit as important as the love in my soul, are my three goals. I have had them for various amounts of time, the newest one is only days old. I want to be a Social Worker, to make money helping people. It doesn't matter how much I make; I'd be glad to chuck my job at Target for a minimum wage job at a hospital or with CPS. Second, I want to fall in love and get married to an open, honest, patient woman. Not long ago, I had the opportunity to speak with a man who lived through the Holocaust. He told me, straight up, that I should never hate. I had to consider his words for a long time, but now I feel that hate really can lead directly to a great deal of hurt. My final goal is to banish all hate from my heart and soul.

This is how I see myself.


Web Page Copyright © 1999 Nathan Bredfeldt