Ian Johnston

Ian "The Procrastinator" Johnston was born in Atlanta, Georgia in April of 78. I enjoy playing video games, reading comics, and writing( Big surprise, eh? I like to keep people on their toes.). I’m currently your typical unemployed college student majoring in Psychology with hopes of majoring in Sociology( You’d think a full fledged university like mine would have a Sociology major, wouldn’t you?). I also enjoy wasting endless hours on the Internet and getting nothing much accomplished in general. Then, I panic at the last minute when I can no longer put off what I need to do( Email Collector Times Online editor Sheryl Roberts and ask her who’s usually the last one to submit his/her articles before an update). Aside from writing for Collector Times I am a senior staff member on CompuServe’s Video Gaming Central Forum( GO VGCENTRAL if you have CompuServe and pay us a visit.)(Hey, no bio is complete without a shameless plug of some sorts. I don’t give a damn what anyone says to the contrary.)

E-mail: ian@coremagazine.com

Web Page Copyright © 1999 Ian Johnston