Rick Higginson

Writing one's own "bio" is not an easy task. Balancing between modesty, pride, and realism is something like juggling peanuts while blindfolded; sooner or later, you're going to miss one or more. Ah, but that's why they pay us the big bucks.

Writing has been a passion of mine since somewhere around junior high school, which was a LONG time ago for me. Fortunately for my family, though, I had the privilege of meeting a professional writer when I was in High School, whose advice to a group of us aspiring writers was, essentially, to not quit the day job. My writing, then, for the past 30 some odd years has been mostly for fun. Joining the staff of Collector Times will be my first "official" gig as a writer since the Yearbook Staff of my junior year in High School. I'm looking forward to this.

I've been happily married to my wonderful Nancy for 22 years. We have two children: AJ Reardon, whom you know from this site, and our son Joe. We count Chris Reid as our third kid, since he married AJ.

Professionally, I work as an Electronic Technician in a Bomb Factory. I ride my bicycle for fun, fitness, and to help alleviate traffic during the better weather. I enjoy reading, particularly Sci Fi, some fantasy, and the works of Tom Clancy. My son convinced me to join him in some amateur acting with a small group in our town, for which my wife made the wizard costume for me (the staff is my own creation). We all enjoy Renaissance Faires, where I'll have the opportunity to enjoy my wizard costume all the more.

I don't have a home page, though. Maybe some day I'll decide I have enough stuff of interest to anyone else to make one.

E-mail Rick at: baruchz@yahoo.com


Web Page Copyright © 2002 Rick Higginson