10 Questions With Douglas Shuler

Welcome to the return of Magik's Cafe! For all of you who followed me in Houston, a big hug and a thank you for coming back to support us here! And for all of you new world-wide readers, I hope you enjoy your visit and come back to see us each month! And of course, a special thanks to DJ for being such a great guy, and to Paul and Sheryl for taking up the Collector Times and putting us on the net. Isn't it great to have friends?

Well, here's to the article I thought was never going to be published! I present to you, my long-promised interview with Magic: The Gathering artist Douglas Shuler!


Doug: Me: Doug: Me: Doug: Me: Doug: Me: Doug: Me: Doug: Me: Doug: Me: Doug: Me: Doug: Me: Doug: Me: Doug:

Well you guys, it's me again. And I'd like to say it was a big treat getting to interview Doug and put this up for all of you to see. I'd like to add that I'm Doug's biggest (not to mention cutest) fan, and that I have one of every Magic card he's ever done at home in a very special binder! But seriously, you guys, he wasn't kidding about WotC. If you don't pull through and back these guys up, some of them might disappear from Magic forever. And I'd hate to lose the thrill of going to the shop down the street and looking for all the Shulers when a new expansion comes out! So be good little Mogg Fanatics, and e-mail Wizards and tell them who you love!!

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