Welcome to the return of Magik's Cafe! For all of you who followed me in
Houston, a big hug and a thank you for coming back to support us here! And for
all of you new world-wide readers, I hope you enjoy your visit and come back
to see us each month! And of course, a special thanks to DJ for being such a
great guy, and to Paul and Sheryl for taking up the Collector Times and putting
us on the net. Isn't it great to have friends?
Well, here's to the article I thought was never going to be published! I
present to you, my long-promised interview with Magic: The Gathering artist
Douglas Shuler!
So Doug...this is going to be about Magic mostly, because that's what my
readers play...(Well, except Star Wars...but I'm not making any comment
there.) So, as an artist for the game, is there anything you would like to
say to all the card-flapping, life-counting, Subway-sandwich eating little freakies?
Yeah, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTIST! Thanks for all the support and letters
over the years, and keep it up.
Cool... so how did you get started as a Magic artist, anyway? Did you kill
a man or something?
It took a little Pixie dust, a dash of Leprechaun luck, 3 ground up
Fairie wings... all stirred together with a Unicorn horn and simmered for 20
minutes at 300 degrees. And by the way, the rumors of dark deals and
sacrifices are TOTALLY unfounded!
Did you ever expect Magic to become the sweltering obsession that it has become?
I could say "Sure, I saw it all along", but I'd be flat out lying. NO
ONE thought it would be this big, and anyone who says they predicted MAGIC's success is
trying to make themselves seem more that they are. It came at a total surprise to
everyone, even Richard Garfield.
Ok...What, do you think, is the most popular card you have done....you
know, the one that you have signed so many times your fingers might fall off??
SERRA F---ING ANGEL!!! I see that card EVERYWHERE! I see her in ads,
on T-shirts, in magazines, on envelopes, in my most perverted fantasies...
wait, scratch that!
Whoa...um, about those cards I was gonna have you sign...nevermind. Can I
borrow some of your paintbrushes? I left mine in my pocket and they got put in
the washing machine...
Well, at least yours are clean! I'm pretty brutal on brushes and need
to buy new ones every few paintings, so if you really WANTED one, I could
pull it out of the trash and send it your way. However, I'll have to hang on
to my favorite one... it's a "+4 Paintbrush of Painting" I found on an
What is your favorite illustration for a Magic card, that you have done?
You know, the one that after everyone reads this, you're gonna sign so much
your fingers might fall off?
I'm really partial to the Llanowar Sentinel (from Tempest I think). I
also like the two Royal Herbalists from Alliances. They're not powerful
cards, I just think they're technically some of my best. I guess my very
favorite piece that I've done for MAGIC is Gerrard for the Vanguard series.
That one came out just like I saw it in my head... and that doesn't happen
very often.
Do you like films about gladiators?
Yeah. Have you ever been in a Turkish Prison?
Um...no comment. So, what influences in your life made you decide to
become an artist?
The fact that I suck at eveything else. Plain and simple.
Hey, I wonder what else we have in common... What are some of your
hobbies? What do you like to do when you're not slaving away for WotC...?
I play a LOT of computer games, and do a lot of gaming in general...
like role-playing games and miniature wargames. I also paint miniatures for
relaxation and practice Kung Fu for my health. Lastly, I go to a lot of
Ok, since this is the last question, I'd like to know about some on your
non-Magic work. Who else have you illustrated for?
I've been published all up and down the gaming industry and have been in
over 300 non-MAGIC products. I've done work for computer games, fiction
magazines, technical drawings... even college textbooks. A real eclectic
collection of places (I like that word... "Eclectic"! hee hee hee).
Eclectic, huh? I really have a thing for......oops. Forgot this was PG
rated. Well anyway... Since I lied, and this is the last question...is there
anything else you would like to let my readers know about you? Any last words?
Yeah, let WoTC know what artists you like and what ones you don't!!! I
mean this in a SERIOUS way!!! There's movement within WoTC to replace all the
original artists with the newer guys... and even someone like me, with a huge-long track
record, isn't immune. I was not hired to be in "Exodus" and have possibly
missed out on another expansion... so only the supportive cries of the fans will keep
the likes of Mark Poole, Melissa Benson, Anson Maddox, Mark Tedin, Quinton
Hoover, and other mainline MAGIC artists in the game. TELL THEM WHO YOU LIKE,
Well you guys, it's me again. And I'd like to say it was a big treat getting
to interview Doug and put this up for all of you to see. I'd like to add that
I'm Doug's biggest (not to mention cutest) fan, and that I have one of every
Magic card he's ever done at home in a very special binder! But seriously, you
guys, he wasn't kidding about WotC. If you don't pull through and back these
guys up, some of them might disappear from Magic forever. And I'd hate to lose
the thrill of going to the shop down the street and looking for all the
Shulers when a new expansion comes out! So be good little Mogg Fanatics, and
e-mail Wizards and tell them who you love!!
Until next time, and you KNOW there always is one,
May the force be with you, and may your Fireballs never fizzle!!
jin d'jinn