Tales from the Fans


Write to us at:

    Collector Times Online
    P. O. Box 882
    Bellaire, TX 77402-0882
or E-Mail probts@hal-pc.org

Our First Real Letter!

I was very excited to get a flyer telling about this great web site. Although I'm not personally a collector myself, my son is, and my work deals directly with people who are. I just started working for a brand new distributor that handles comics, TB's , toys and figures, etc. We supply almost all comics, that aren't exclusive to Diamond, to comic and hobby retail stores.

As I work with the stores in Houston, and later the rest of Texas, this site will provide great info to share with others, so thanks!


ArtEffect Entertainment Corp.

Hi Jeff!

I’m glad that you are finding our website helpful to your work. I’m also thrilled to find out that the flyers I distributed in the Houston area are being put to use. Thanks so much for writing!



FTR : Federal Tactical Response --> Hits The Comic Shops!

"It is 2038 - 15 years after the end of WWIII, and the defeat of the alien machines.. It is a world where a mutagenic virus has left millions dead, and millions more horribly altered. The surviving Earth governments are outgunned in the streets, and it's up to a special team of heroes to pick up the slack."

Dreamriders Workshop, a Canadian-based publisher of comic books and role- playing games, brings to you FTR - Federal Tactical Response. Written by Cory Conrad, with art by Talon Dunning, and fantastic colors courtesy of Jim Brown, this forty-page, FUZION-powered comic, explodes into comic shops this June.

For more information on Dreamriders Workshop, contact Cory Conrad at opus@dreamriders.com, or surf over to the DW website : www.dreamriders.com.

For more information on FTR : Federal Tactical Response, check out the FTR Preview at www.dreamriders.com/Comix/FTR/ftr.htm.

For those of you looking for a new comic to read, head over to the FTR website and check it out. I did, and it looks like they really put some thought into this comic.

Now, if I get more of these press releases, I may have to make a section for them in the magazine.


You wouldnt happen to know when and where Origins is this year. Its in Cincinati or Cleveland I think but am only guessing its Memorial Day weekend.


Dan Spillard

Hi Dan!

I didn’t know where or when Origins Con was , but I checked around and found out the information for you. For those of you out there in cyberland who are interested, Origins Con is a gaming convention with a strong comics component. It is going to be in Columbus, Ohio, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, July 2nd - 5th. They have a webpage at:


PS. Thanks Scudder/Chris!

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