Introduction to Collecting

Collecting Coca-Cola memorabilia can be a very rewarding and exciting hobby. The famous logo can be found on just about everything, which makes these collectibles even more desirable to non-cola collectors as well. This helps to explain the enormous popularity, and high prices that Coca-Cola items can achieve. Unfortunately, this can make it difficult for collectors (especially novice collectors) to find quality pieces that they can afford. There are however, many affordable items with the Coca-Cola logo on it.

People just getting into this hobby, often start by keeping anything with the famous trademark on it. They soon realize that this is an almost impossible task, so they tend to specialize. It is a good idea for new collectors to stick to one or two areas of collecting that (1) they can enjoy, and (2) fits into their budget. Post cards, magazine ads, and bottle and can collecting are fairly inexpensive and easy to get into. Coca-Cola used to advertise on the back of old National Geographic magazines, and Coke also used many other publications to advertise in. These ads can be clipped put, and stored in plastic sleeves (make sure to use acid free plastic and cardboard backing-boards). Many old postcards can also be found with the trademark on them. These can be readily found at flea markets, and antique shops. Coke can, and bottle collecting is also easy for people to get started with. There are thousands of other collectors always looking for trade partners. Many of these collectors can be found on the Internet. It is a good idea to gather a formidable collection in one area before starting another. This can be much more rewarding and satisfying. Personally, I also tend to stay away from buying new items with the logo on them, like figurines and tins etc. Most of these are produced by the millions, and will never be worth anything. Also, once friends and family know you are collecting Coke things, you will get a lot of this stuff as gifts! Trust me.

New collectors should also be wary of just buying anything they see at a yard sale or flea market with the Coca-Cola logo on it. People often try to take advantage of the popularity of this collectable by over pricing a lot of items, and passing off reproductions as antiques. Novice collectors should be very careful of the latter. Many people have purchased items they believed to be an original, and later discovered they had been 'ripped off'. Sometimes the seller didn't know the item wasn't an original piece, but more often than not, they are just trying to take advantage the its popularity. A good collector is an informed collector. There are many good publications, and web pages out there that people can read, and become better educated. The corner stone of any collection should be Allan Petretti's Coca-Cola Collectibles Guide. It is the bible of Coca-Cola guides. It has thousands of pictures, and prices, which collectors can use as a guide. If your local bookstore doesn't have it on the shelf, ask them to bring it in.

In future issues of Collector Times Online, we will bring you more articles on specific Coke items, from collectors' worldwide. If you have any questions on this hobby, please contact me at:

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