LettersPress Releases
Welcome to the July edition of The Collector Times Online! You know its summer convention season when folks show up at conventions dressed like this:
![]() These pleasant, but enigmatic fellows were promoting their website, which features a religious based comic. If you are interested in checking out the site, here is the URL:
This months issue features more E3 coverage by Ian Johnston. Be sure to check out the Art Gallery, featuring artwork by a talented fellow here in Houston, Dr. Very Evil, M.D.. Jamie Colville spreads his wings this month, contributing a review of the X-files movie, along with his Clubhouse interview with Jim Valentino. We also have a second opinion of the X-files movie, by Andrea Spencer. Two opinions are sometimes better than one! This months Comic Shop of the Month features Chris Abels Genesis Comics: now you can see what The Swipe of the Week Guy looks like in person. Plus, we have our usual list of friendly, articulate, and talented contributors. Take the time to look at it all, because I think youll enjoy it! What can you expect from The Collector Times in the future? First of all, after many bumps on the Information Superhighway, we have our domain name! Around the middle of July, be sure to look for us at the website:
"We should never have problems with balky Internet providers again, " she says, crossing her fingers. A great heartfelt thanks to our readers for sticking with us through all of the URL changes!
Copyright © 1998 Sheryl Roberts, Editor
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