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Welcome to the August edition of the Collector Times Online!

Cover Art
As you can see, we have a cover this month courtesy of Brett Schmidt. Brett has his mini-comic, Claws of Destiny online, and I think you ought to go over and take a look at it. You can find out how to get there by going to the Press Release section and reading about the mini-comic. As someone who previewed the script and watched as the art progressed over the months, the results are not only satisfying to Brett, but also to me.

Brett moves out of Houston very shortly to go off to the prestigious Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. Brett tells me that he will have a net connection and still be able to contribute, but he will be busier. I want to publicly thank him for taking the time and making the effort to enhance The Collector Times with his art.

We also have a new format this month, as you can see. I thought that the magazine should have been organized like this in the first place, but my site designer wouldn’t listen to me. Thanks to all of my readers who merrily barraged Mr. Roberts with requests for a design change!! You can find what you are looking for easily now.

This month we are doing a survey/contest inspired by a fellow I know on irc. He was discussing comicbook characters, and he said, "I find Magneto darkly erotic." This throwaway line is overwhelming enough in it’s implications to inspire a survey by me. In honor of this event, I am calling this The Magneto Survey and you can participate! I want you to participate! All you have to do is email me the answer to my one survey question:

What comicbook character do you find darkly erotic?

You don’t need to elaborate, just email me the answer. If you want me to define "darkly erotic," you are out of luck. It’s so much more fun when you define it for yourself.

If you want to tell me why you find a particular comic character darkly erotic, so much the better! Then you will be entered into my contest! As you regular readers know, I’m going to Comic Con International this month, and I’m going to pick up prizes for my contest. I will award three prizes for the three best entries, so you better get busy! The best entries and some of the other answers to the survey will be published next month. I’ve done part of this survey on irc and the results have, thus far, been interesting. Everyone is eligible to participate in my contest, save my family. We are going to be the judges. The contest/survey ends August 25th, so get those entries in! I will use pseudonyms in the results article, if you request it, so no need to be shy. And for those of you who think that sending me comicbook porn is a swell way to win the contest, I’m warning you, don’t. You won’t win any prizes. We will, however, find it extremely amusing and pass it around to our friends. So don’t, OK?

Here’s the survey question: What comicbook character do you find darkly erotic?

Here’s the contest question: Why?

Email me your answers here:

I’ve found my own way to cure post vacation blues. I’m hoping to have plenty of email to look at when I get home! Thanks for participating!

Sheryl Roberts, editor

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Copyright © 1998 Sheryl Roberts, Editor

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