Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Developer: Iguana West
Genre: Sports / Wrestling / Action
Title: WWF Warzone for Sony Playstation
MSRP: $49.95
WWF Warzone for, I've been waiting for
this game for months now, and now that it's here, I'm not
disappointed. I'll admit it, I am a wrestling fan, and as such,
this game lived up to my expectations, and then some. It's a 3D
game, with 16 wrestlers, and tons of modes : WWF Challenge (a
season mode where you work your way up the ladder...I'll talk
about this more later), Tag Team, Versus, Tornado Matches, Coop
Tag Team Matches, Cage, Weapons (and with the weapons, it brings
blood!), and just a plain old slobberknocker War match. All of
the matches include color commentary from Jim Ross and Vince
McMahon, and unlike other wrestling games (WCW Nitro mainly),
I don't feel the need to turn off the commentary after 3 minutes.
It actually is enjoyable and makes it seem all the more realistic.
It supports 1-4 players (through the use of the Multi-Taps),
sadly with no Dual Shock support. One surprising note about the
4 player matches/tag teams...I've noticed little to NO slowdown
in the game, even when all four guys (or possibly girls, if you
play your cards right) are in there beating the tar out of each
other. It also has hidden secrets and modes, but interestingly
enough, you have to EARN them to use them. There is no code to
access them. For instance, it has (as far as Ive found) 4 hidden
characters, the female body for the create-a-wrestler feature, and
extra clothes/accessories also for create-a-wrestler.
If you've played other wrestling game for Playstation, Saturn,
Super Nintendo, etc., you'll probably remember the calluses on your
fingers from mashing buttons repeatedly to pull off moves, or
possibly get out of one. This game is not like that, and it's more
like a Tekken 3 / Street Fighter 2 type of game, or at least pulling
off the moves. Don't get me wrong, there are a few places where you
can mash to your heart's content, like if you're holding your opponent
in a submission style move. The more you mash, the more pain it
inflicts. You can do the plain old punch and kick routine, but to
counter the cheese of beginner players (repeatedly doing the only
move they know), the game put in something to counter it: The crowd.
The more you do a move repeatedly, the more irate the crowd becomes,
causing not only your move to do less damage, but also your opponent
gets more spirited, I guess is the word. Each wrestler has around
60-90 moves in his repertoire, and each of the moves can be countered
by your opponent if he/she knows how to do it. The controls on the
game are amazingly responsive, or at least, a lot more than other
wrestling type games that I've played in the past. A cool feature
that seems to be cropping up a lot these days in fighting games is
the training room. Don't know how to do all your wrestlers moves?
Then hey, go train a really does help.
The best thing about this game, almost a reason by itself to buy
it, is the create your own wrestler feature. Everything about the
wrestler you can customize, including sex, face, skin color, outfits,
wrestling style, moves, intro music, and stats. Upset because your
favorite wrestler from so-and-so federation isn't in the game? Make
it yourself! So far I've only messed around in this a little bit,
concentrating more on the included wrestlers, but I've made about
3 or 4 wrestlers, like Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, Vader, and Macho Man
Randy Savage.
OK, let's talk about the Challenge Mode, or as I like to call it,
the hour and a half spent to unlock hidden characters/modes. It's
pretty make your way up through the ranks of the WWF
to win the Intercontinental Title, and ultimately, the Heavyweight
Championship. Along the way, you'll face 11 other WWF Superstars,
and sometimes, after defeating one of them, a disgruntled wrestler
or a sore loser will come back and challenge you to a rematch in one
of two ways : a cage match or a weapons match. These challenges are
made via Full Motion Video challenges of each wrestler...I think
there are about 5 for each character, excluding maybe Kane, considering
he doesn't talk. The cage match is pretty cool. You and your opponent
are in a ring, surrounded by a 20 ft steel cage. The object is to beat
up your opponent enough that you can scale up the side of the cage,
and down the other, before your opponent can do the same. You can
even do moves off the top of the cage, which, if landed , can cause
a whole lot of damage, but on the other hand, if you miss them, you're
screwed. The weapons match is just a regular ring, but scattered around
the ring, and in the ring itself, are a multitude of weapons, ranging
from ring bells, to TV cameras, and even TV Monitors. The rules are
ECW style, where you can pin your opponent anywhere, even outside the
ring. Be each of these types of matches, the computer
AI's skill level is doubled, making for a very difficult match.
All in all, this is a very fun game, with only very small details
that I, as a wrestling fan, notice. I've shown this game to some of my
non-wrestling enthusiast friends, and they all enjoy it, so don't expect
to be out of your element if you don't follow wrestling.