The humans' war with the aliens known as the regul is over. In an attempt
to keep their darkest secrets from the humans, the regul are attempting to
exterminate the last of their mercenaries, the mri. Into the middle of this
intrigue stumbles Sten Duncan. A Surface Tactical officer, he is assigned to
assist a high-ranking human diplomat. On a clandestine scouting mission, he
is captured by the mri. As the situation deteriorates, he helps the last two mri
escape to back-track their species' path across the stars towards their real
homeworld. During the long journey, Duncan becomes less and less human, and
more and more mri.
The writer C. J. Cherryh exploded on the Science Fiction scene in 1978 with
this classic trilogy, The Faded Sun. This is the book which made me such
a fan of Ms. Cherry. Although its now considered a classic, at one time it had
a hallowed place in Ms. Cherry's closet. I got the story from publisher Donald
A. Wollheim, himself, years ago.
Seems Ms. Cherry wrote a lot of novels, but didn't think they were quite
good enough for publication. After she had written one, she'd put it in her
closet, then start another. Through some circumstance which now escapes my
memory, she (or perhaps her brother) sent this book to Donald. Not only was it
good, it was extraordinarily good! Imagine his amazement when he learned that
he had stumbled upon an unpublished author who already had a large body of work.
He almost rubbed his hands in glee as he related this story to me. He claimed
that whenever he needed a new title, he had only to coax another masterpiece
from her closet.