I plan on talking about a couple of topics this month, and the first character spotlight will be on, of course, Superman. Anyway, first off I will be speaking about DC One Million, the DCU crossover spanning every title in DC for 1998.

Before I talk about DC:1M, I want to express my point of view on the big annual DC crossovers. Every year, DC has a huge dilemma that causes a 3-5 part mini-series and every title has a tie in. This year it’s DC:1M, last year it was Genesis, the year before that Final Night, Underworld Unleashed, Zero Hour, so on and so on. I don’t really like these annual crossovers: I mean, the stories are cramped and confusing. Many times because you have to buy the other titles’ tie-ins to follow the story that you normally wouldn't get, and I think it’s just a ploy to raise sales and to get our money. But hey, some people like the crossovers, seeing the whole DCU going up against a common foe and seeing heroes work together that you normally wouldn’t see teamed up. Others just like buying the series and all the tie-ins. Also, some times the crossovers do have lasting effects. Zero Hour did iron out a couple of wrinkles left by the crisis, [NOTE: the crisis refers to the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a 12-part maxi series that in the mid eighties restarted most of DC’s titles and made DC’s cluttered continuity easier to under stand] and Final Night was where Hal Jordan (silver age GL) died. Yet in a lot of titles, the crossovers have no effect on the DC Universe and shouldn’t have a tie-in.

All right, having said that, on to DC One Million. DC:1M is called that because the future that is dealt with is the year 85,265, the year the DC titles would hit one million if it lasts that long. Written by Grant Morrison, (the regular JLA scribe, which is probably why this is centered around the JLA) penciled by Val Semeiks, and inked by Prentis Rollins, DC:1M looks great, very, very nice, yet the story can be kind of confusing. OK, let me try to give you the plot. A little back history first; during the JLA Rock of Ages story line (JLA #10-16), an android named Hourman from the future, was given the philosopher stone (a crystal Lex Luthor found and discovered it did just about any thing he wanted, and tried to destroy the JLA with it) by Metron (one of the New Gods) after the JLA stopped Luthor. OK, got that? Anyway, jump forward to about the year 85,265: the solar system has two suns, one being a evil computer sun (I told you it’s confusing) and the second sun is where Uranus used to be. The entire solar system has been colonized. A team of super heroes, the Justice Legion, protects the solar system. Each of these heroes is assigned one planet, and did I mention this future JLA is an almost parallel to the current JLA? It’s ranks include a Superman, a Batman, a Flash, a Wonder Woman, and an Aquaman. Also, there are two other heroes that present day counterparts are not in the JLA, Starman, and Hourman.

The Justice Legion came back in time to today to transport the JLA to the 853rd century to take part in a celebration. The festivities celebrate the return of the prime Superman (apparently Supes really is immortal) from the solar fortress of solitude (the sun) and heroes from many times are going to the celebration. As part of the celebration, the heroes from the past perform challenges to show off their powers. The challenges take place in each character’s own titles DC:1M tie-in. Well, the reprogrammed evil sun computer overcame it’s programming and teams with Vandal Savage (a long time JLA villain who is virtually immortal) and sends a techno virus that attacks both people and machines. While the Vandal Savage of the present launches nukes with Tempest(Aquaman’s son), Arsenal (Green Arrow’s old side kick), Jessie Quick, and Supergirl strapped to them. Ohhhhh sounds like fun! Anyway, that’s the plot. It’s an interesting look at the future and it is an OK mini. I suggest picking it up if you have some money left over.

DC:1M also seems to be a prelude to Titans #25 where the original 5 Titans come back to the team.

Now for the first Character Spotlight and of course, I have to start with THE hero...


Real Name: Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair: Occupation: Marital Status: Group Affiliation: Base of Operation: First Appearance: Powers: Source of Powers: Weaknesses:



Looking Ahead:

Special thanks go to Steven Younis the keeper of the Superman homepage at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/7771/index.html for a lot of the information.

Be here next month for the next installment of Judgment Calls (I don’t know what the topic will be yet), but the next character profile will be BATMAN.

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