Every month, the latest news about RPG Gaming by Craig Gaddis, President of Games Nation.

Welcome back, o faithful readers, to the next installment of TGU. This has been an eventful month, and the next two should knock our socks off.

The most important news is the re-release of Warhammer 40K. or more appropriately, the lack of a re-release. For almost one month, Games Workshop has kept this new release to a bare minimum, making it almost a rare game. By the time this column hits, though, it should be back in regular supply. For those who have not had a chance to peruse the new rules, it is a complete change from the old system, so keep that in mind when playing it for the first time.

Also in production from GW are the Dogs of War minis. These troops are fantastic, and compliment the DoW book. Check out the Birdmen of Catrazza.

News from the ICE front: MECCG Balrog has been pushed back for a late November release, but is will not be a collectible expansion. It will be released in two decks of 90 cards, which will contain all of the cards in the set. Also from ICE, the Q'Raj Void Protectorate is due soon, with a whole new mess of ships to supplement it.

Two big bits of industry news, though. The Armory and Chessex have merged into the giant distribution Alliance. Yes, now the number of the big guys is smaller, but the supply is great for us retailers. Zocchi Distributing is making waves with its acquisition of Ral Partha Enterprises. Yes, now they can guarantee supply of certain minis.

Heartbreaker/Target games has announced its release of Warzone 2nd edition. This massive box will contain two complete armies, Imperial and Bauhaus, 80 minis, rules, counters, scenery, etcÂ… The target price is running about $70. Call Games Nation for more information (plug.).

From FASA, Crimson Skies is due in the stores in a few weeks, and this WWI style dogfight game proves to be a big hit. Yes, you can shear your wings off just by turning too tightly. In other news, Shadowrun 3rd is doing fine, but all of the customers are awaiting the GM screen and the new Seattle 2nd ed. Sourcebook. That should be in before Christmas.

After a strong start in the beginning of the year, TSR seems to have slacked off, with the recent releases being useful, but not spectacular. Calimport is a nice book, but the new Stardrive setting needs more stuff, and soon. Also, how about putting the non-essential rulebooks back into hardcover?

White Wolf is keying up after the release of Vampire 3rd with the new Sabbat 2nd book. This release should hit in February, but will be available in HC and SC format, so place your orders early for the HC. The MSRP is $74.95.

As we enter the Thanksgiving month, let us be thankful that the Knights of the Dinner Table is still running strong. This small comic has reached over 10,000 subscribers, and is growing steadily. If you are a gamer (and even if you aren't), this little book gives a monthly dose of the antics from the dinner table.

As a personal note to all of the game designers out these, where have all of the boardgames gone? I realize that Avalon Hill's demise has left a void, but this is ridiculous. In the past month, only about 3 were releases, and no word from the Germans about new stuff. We want more Settlers of Caatan stuff!! Sorry, I was a bit on edge just then.

Well, time for the blatant plug again: Come on down to Games Nation, Inc. We carry a large selection of minis, Role-Playing Games, Wargames, Card Games, and Japanese Animation. And remember, just because you don't see it on the shelves, doesn't mean that we can't get it for you. All of our special orders go out on Monday, and we average a 4-day turn around time. As an added plus, if you do have to order something, it is 15% off for the first 5 days after we call you.

Until next time

"You can never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator."

-Seishun Shitemasu Productions

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