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These are young superheroes, I have no doubt we can find plenty of interesting stories to fill as many  half-hour episodes as we can get.

So, what's different about "my" Legion? Accessibility, for one thing, by keeping the stories relatively contained, and divorcing as much as possible from mainstream DC Comics continuity, it sets the Legion off as an independent entity. For another, it's a fresh start, leaving much of the so-called "baggage" of the convoluted history of the Legion is left behind, with the classic story ideas inspiring new stories in new contexts.

We're forty years beyond the first appearance of the Legion of Superheroes way back in Adventure Comics #247, and our vision of the future is vastly different, compared to the folks back in 1958, but the concept is timeless. The archetype of the band of heroes fighting evil together is one that has it's roots deep in human history, almost as far back as the individual hero.

Plagued by a recalcitrant scanner, this is the only pic I had scenned that I did for this article. I must not be living right. This one shows our three original heroes, in their costumed identities, of course, Livewire, Saturn Girl, and Cosmic Boy. Behind them, are Chameleon, Triad and Apparition, with the hovering countenences of Vidar on the left and R.J. Brande on the right.

I hope to have my scanner working by next time. Write me with comments and suggestions, and I'll see you next month.

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