Prince of Egypt -

(or manufactured success)

At work, we put our Prince of Egypt banners up the first week of November, the same time we started selling the movie packets. The dolls arrived shortly after, and the movie trailers had been playing for ages.

With all this hype, you'd think it was the newest Disney film, not a movie about the life and times of Moses. This is refreshing, who else but the masterminds at Disney would think to over-merchandise this movie even before it's release? A special tie-in deal with Wal-Mart? FOUR soundtracks? The website? (flash enhanced and available in five languages, of course)

The religious right, apparently --

I do not mistake this, an obvious attempt to recruit, "Look, Moses was cool! He raced horses! He parted the sea! Look at the plagues when God's word was not heeded! Join us or be forever damned!"

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but...

Much like last year's blockbuster Titanic, Prince of Egpyt was manufactured to appeal to the widest variety of people - a bible story, a romance story, an adventure, and with wonderful animation it attracts all of us geeks (like me).

Bottom line - Instant Classic. It will be like most of the other classics - you can try to avoid it, but it will become darn near impossible. Go see it, you will enjoy it, despite the obviousness of it all.

Anyone want a Moses action figure?

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