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A Reader's Question

I have a question about the value of a comicbook called Ironman #1 published in about 1967. Can you help me out, or point me in the direction of a website that would contain this type of information?

    Thank you very much

Hi Leanne!

After much investigating, the value of Ironman #1 ranges from $60 in poor condition to $450 in perfect condition. Of course, as with any comic, this is just a guideline price. Any comic is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Unfortunately, there aren't any price guides online yet, although some are works in progress. I don't own a price guide currently, mainly because I'm not interested in selling my collection of comics, saved from over 35 years of reading. I do plan on buying the next Overstreet Guide, and if you have more comics to sell, I'd suggest that you buy it, too. I think Overstreet lists the more realistic prices, and I know some of the retailers who contribute, and they are honest and objective in their appraisal of comics.

If you want to sell your Ironman #1 online, I'd suggest listing it for sale on the rec.arts.comics.marketplace with your price, and see what happens.

    Good luck!
    Sheryl Roberts, editor

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