Welcome to the January Edition of The Collector Times Online! On behalf of the entire Collector Times staff, we wish you all a Happy New Year!! My New Year's resolution this year is to resist buying any Major Comics Company Crossover/Multipart Epic unless a) it features The Legion of Superheros (we all have our weaknesses) or b) at least 3 people tell me it's worth buying. Speaking of worth buying, our cover art this month comes from the talented Anne Timmons, and features the cover to her comic book Wild Person in the Woods. You know, in the Silver Age, the DC folks thought that an ape on the cover sold comics. I can't wait to check my hit count at the end of the month, to see if this is true.
The comic is written by Jim Ottaviani. Jim also has written Two Fisted Science, which
was nominated for an Eisner Award for "Best Anthology." You can find out more about
Anne's and Jim's comic by visiting the publisher's site:
As usual, we have all sorts of great stuff in this issue. In Coville's Clubhouse, Jamie gets THE interview with Jerry Ordway, where he discusses his "firing" from DC, along with his past and current work and future plans. Unca Scott Crawford gives us his version of the "How I Spent My Christmas Vacation" essay, and Nate Berdfeldt explains why he's so surly. So read on, and enjoy! Sheryl Roberts Editor
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