Hi again! Thank you for stopping by. Nate here, and boy am I glad that someone is still reading this column! Let me start by wishing everyone a happy new year.

Man, I hate opening paragraphs. Anyhow, I'm back with another look at the past month in gaming. And, as promised, I figured out exactly why I'm so surly. See, for the fifth year in a row, my Christmas list had the same two items on it. And, once again, I didn't get either one! So, I have to conclude that I'm on the Naughty List. Now, if you watch just about any movie or TV show, you can see that naughty people are mean! So, because I'm on the naughty list, I'm a meanie. Personally, I always thought being on the naughty list would be more fun than this.

Enough of that. On to the good stuff.

I failed to include Decipher (www.decipher.com) in the first Surly gamer column. I didn't notice anything new from them last month. This probably has something to do with the fact that they can't even set a rough target date that's more than six weeks away with any accuracy. Anyhow, it is important to never cut Decipher any slack, because the first thing they'll do is start dumping their overstock, by repackaging it and including one new card. My poor, sweet, innocent brother was lured into buying one via his love of Ben Kenobi. I took a look at these cards, and they are UGLY. Decipher must imediately fire their art department, or at least send them back to art school for a good long time.

I wanted to mention Battlebooks again, because I finally got a chance to inspect one. The first wave of these was incomplete, and a bit less than a month late. The paper stock is really shoddy for a four dollar comic book. The art is really rancid, and possibly painful, if stared at for too long. Therefore, it is my proud duty to cast Battlebooks into the Suckmosphere, a place of unparallelled sucking. If you actually care enough to read more about these little monstrosities, visit www.goldenapplecomics.com/october98/battle.html

As soon as I go and say one nice thing about a product, fate makes me regret it. The folks who make the Babylon 5 strategy game have decided that the cheaper version of their new product, a simple book, must be released two months after the more complex (and expensive) boxed set! This may be due to some sort of money problem, which is barely mentioned on their web page: www.agentsofgaming.com

I think I see a pattern developing. After that nice paragraph last month about the best game company on the planet, Cheapass Games (www.cheapassgames.com), I put in an order for some Christmas presents. And, sure enough, two weeks later, I get a package in the mail with a tiny slip of paper, saying that they can't deliver my product yet. Their webpage mentions a paper shortage. Now I have to face my sweet little siblings on Christmas morning with NOTHING...

<enter handsome man>

<Big, innocent eyes fill with tears>
...LOOK AT THAT! I just became a CRIMINAL because these people can't run a business straight! Argh!

Finally, I wanted to end this column with another good solid recommendation, like last month. I even had one in mind, complete with a really flattering (if a bit overzealous) paragraph all ready to go, about the new set for the Babylon 5 card game. Unfortunately, the folks in charge (who make the Cheapass folks seem like geniuses) decided to release Boosters two weeks before the Starters, which contain both the new rules and the vital cards to play the new faction. "Wow! Look at all these cool cards I got! I can't wait to play with them...D'OH!"

That's it for this month. Thanks once again to our lovely and talented hostess, Nurse Roberts, for donating valuable electrons to feed my psychosis. See you next month.

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