Gamer's Update

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Wow, what a holiday season. Most of the companies delivered on their promises, and there are reams of new stuff in the marketplace. Let’s start with the season favorites:

Rio Grande Games just keeps putting out cool games from Germany. The most recent additions to the line are Samurai by Reiner Knizia (of Durch die Wuste fame) and Samarkand, a trading game. Samurai is the favorite, and all I can say about it is come by the store for a free demo!

From the makers of the B5 CCG comes the new expansion, Great War. Yes, now you too can have the Vorlon and Shadow on your side, and unleash the planet killer or Shadow Cloud. This expansion rocks, and wait till you see the First Ones cards.

Palladium finally released Mystic Russia, and as with most of their books, the final product was well worth the wait. The book is a nice compliment to the Rifts: Russia books, and adds so much to the history, real and ficticious, of Russia. The Russian gods are due to appear in an issue of the Rifter.

In Warhammer news, the Blood Angels have been re-released, with the codex hitting this week. The Baal is due in January, and the Death Company is on the shelves. The new Dark Eldar minis rock, and the Raider is incredible. The Battleforce is still the best bet, though, for for the price of 5 jetbikes and 20 troops, you get a Raider and some trees for free. Imagine, something free from GW!

In the Fantasy world, the last of the Dogs of War have hit the shelves, and plans are already afoot for DOW2, as this is apparently the best selling line of Fantasy stuff they have had for a while.

Well, that pretty much sums up December and a glance at January, but as a happy sidenote, I was recently able to acquire some Shadowfist cards for the store at a good price, and so I lowered the regular retail prices for our customers. Even though it is out of print, I have secured a good distributor for them, so we will not be running out anytime soon.

See you at the store!!!

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