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A Reader's Question

wondering if there is an on-line pricing guide for old comics I have a few first editions and would like to know wht they are going for these days. I am not a dealer in any respect, and not an avid collector, but bought them in the hope that they may be worth something to pass down to my children....

any help apperciated, thanks

    Jason M. Raines

Hi Jason!

Unfortnately, there are no real good price guides online at this time, although I do understand that some are in the works. Here is my advice. First issues are always more valuable than other issues, and comics, no matter what they are worth now, do increase in value over time. I'd hang on to those comics to pass on to your children. I have 30 long boxes of comics that are going to my children, or at least to my oldest daughter, who appreciates them.

    Hope this helps!
    Sheryl Roberts, editor

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