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Welcome to the February edition of The Collector Times Online!

This month our cover feature comes to you courtesy of Johnny Gonzales and Floyd Choat. Meet Starr and Roarke, the main characters of our new web comic of the same name. Each month Gonzo (Johnny) and Floyd will produce a new page for your entertainment.

Starr and Roarke were featured in a previous web comic, entitled "No Way Out," located at Our comic is a spin off of the original story.

We are all very pleased to have Johnny and Floyd in the Collector Times. Johnny is nominated in the current Squiddies for his comic "Heroes Rerun" for best web comic. For those of you who aren't aware of the Sqiddie Awards, they are the Academy Awards of the comic newsgroups hierarchy.

And speaking of the Squiddies, Johnny isn't the only one nominated. Much to my surprise, The Collector Times is also nominated for "Best Website." On behalf of the entire Collector Times staff, I want to thank whoever put us on the ballot and to thank everyone who has voted for us thus far. I doubt we'll win, but it sure is an honor to be nominated. We sit out here in cyberspace, and some days wonder if what we are doing is appreciated. I think that Squiddy nomination tells us that some folks enjoy what we are doing, and we really are grateful. Thanks!

For those of you who want to vote in the Squddies, here is the URL for the ballot:

You don't have to vote for us, there are lot of great comic websites out there, but I do think Johnny deserves the award for "Best Web Comic."

And if this all wasn't enough, you ought to see what else we have in store for you this month in The Collector Times! Jamie Coville interviews Paul Levitz, Vice President of DC Comics. Some of the questions Jamie asked were not easy questions, either, and Mr. Levitz was generous enough to answer all of them. When I think of Paul Levitz, I think of The Legion of Superheroes, as he was the writer of the book for many years. With the advent of Hypertime, there is a Legion project that I would like to see done. Weird enough, I had sent this project request to DC on a Saturday, and on the following Monday, I received word from Jamie that he was interviewing Paul Levitz. Jamie assured Mr. Levitz that this interview was not a set up in my nefarious scheme to utilize Hypertime to Legion fans' advantage. It all just sort of worked out that it arrived at the same time.

Ian Johnston also expands his column "Console-tations" to include Nintendo 64 reviews this month. Now we have complete videogame coverage!

Yes, I'm wordy this month, but I had a lot to share with you. Welcome, take time to look around, and enjoy yourself. We are glad you are here!

    Sheryl Roberts

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