First I have a collection of infamous bad-guys I call:

Here we have some of the arch-villains of the Golden
Age. The mysterious Wotan, the mental marvel, Brainwave, the
reincarnated nemesis of Hawkman, Professor Hastor (complete
with sacrificial glass knife), the swamp-born creature known
as Solomon Grundy, the Mist hovering over the head of the
Ultra-Humanite, followed by the immortal Vandal Savage, the
mad scientist Ian Karkull, and the dapper Shade.

Next, another collection of villains, of somewhat
lesser note. The Fiddler, whose music can control mens'
minds, the triple-jointed Ragdoll, the Thinker in his
"Thinking Cap", the Icicle, with his freeze-ray, Per
Degaton, the perennial schemer and the bad sport himself,

And, the last four, the Wizard with his magic wand
and traditional magician's garb, Tigress, the sometime
cat-burglar, Harlequin and her illusion-casting spectacles
she was always more interested in catching Green Lantern's
eye than in crime, and the emotion-molding Psycho Pirate.
Well, there you have it, for the Golden Age. Astute
comic fans will notice I designed my own costume for
Harlequin, I've always liked her as a character, but she
never worked visually, for me. I tried to keep the rest as
close to their Golden Age, traditional look as I could.
After all, that's part of their charm.
Until next time...