Press Releases

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Chaos! Comics is moving!!!!

April 01, 1999

Effective April 29, 1999 Chaos! Comics' mailing addess & phone will be as follows:

    Chaos! Comics
    7655 E. Gelding Rd. Suite B-1
    Scottdale, AZ 85260

    Tel: (480) 991-9080

    Fax: (480) 991-6005

Please make a note of this, and feel free to call if you have any questions.

Thank You!

    Bob Sprenger
    Chaos! Comics

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"THE BALLAD OF UTOPIA" is going Bi- (monthly that is.)

    Subject: BALLAD OF UTOPIA FMI-May "Request-line"
    Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 12:25:15 -0500
    From: Buchanan
    Organization: Buchanan, LTD
    Black Daze Publishing is pleased to announce that "THE BALLAD OF UTOPIA" will be going bimonthly in '99. Starting this summer with the re-release of "THE BALLAD OF UTOPIA" #1 continuing all the way up to the story-line's final installment with "THE BALLAD OF UTOPIA"#8.

    To celebrate this achievement Black Daze Publishing is resolicitiong "THE BALLAD OF UTOPIA" #1 for shipping in July `99. Look for it in May's FMI "Request-Line". "THE BALLAD OF UTOPIA" #2 will ship in September.

    Creator, writer and artist, Barry Buchanan had this to say when asked to describe his comic: " I guess I can start off with my blurb in FMI's "Request-line": Someone has murdered stage-station keep, Charlie Burnette, to deputy-under sheriff, Samuel David it's one more body and one less bullet, but to the small, old, southwestern town of Utopia, it means big trouble. It is basically a murder mystery set in the old west. When I say I do a western most people think : shoot'em up . Well, I've always leaned more towards Chandler, than L'amour and hopefully this book reflects that. The first eight issues (or installments) follow Deputy David and bounty-hunter, Brigham Love, as they search for Charlie's killer(s). Along the way I deal with things like (free association style): the mythology of the American west, mythology in general, western cliches, madness, secret societies, revenge, Utopian principles, love, Apache religion, small town values, dime novels (predecessors of comic books) just to name a few. If Sergio Leone produced the TV series "Twin Peaks" then you'd have "THE BALLAD OF UTOPIA". Barry goes on to say, "There a things in "THE BALLAD OF UTOPIA" that fans of Vertigo titles, mysteries, American Best Comics, crime fiction, westerns, "X-files",historical fiction, "Twin Peaks", conspiracy theories, or genre twisting ,will all appreciate."

    Barry finishes this thoughts off with this," Hopefully my tag line says it all: "The Old West ain't what it used to be."

    "THE BALLAD OF UTOPIA" is a Western Gothic, 24 page , b/w interiors, 4-color color cover , standard format comic. Cover price is $2.95 .

    For more information contact Barry Buchanan at

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The Art of Michael Whelan

As part of the Museum's ongoing Lecture Series and educational programming Mr. Whelan will appear at the Museum on Friday March 26 and Saturday, March 27, 1999.

Haunting, surrealistic, and stunningly original, the art of Michael Whelan opens the doors to future worlds and imaginative universes that stretch the mind's ability to see new vistas. We are delighted to bring the work of this visionary to our third floor galleries. The winner of countless awards, including twelve Hugo Awards for best professional Artist, Whelan has illustrated the work of almost every major author in the genre, including Arthur C. Clark, Stephen King, Anne McCaffrey, Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein.

This exhibit includes a wide range of commissioned and personal works that have one thing in common: they evoke a sense of wonder that, combined with his sense of color, scale and luminous resonance, sets Whelan apart in his field.

"An artist of science fiction and fantasy must, almost by definition, give us more of his vision than would an artist of almost any other school of art, since so many of our normal landmarks are nowhere to be found in his world. Michael Whelan is the rare talent who can both imagine the previously unseen and communicate it to the rest of the world, so that the experience of all who share it will be enriched."

-- Jackson Koffman

The Art of Michael Whelan

Michael Whelan's original paintings have been displayed and sold at galleries and museums around the world. Today, he is one of the most in-demand professionals working in the genre. Words & Pictures Museum is honored to bring his work to Northampton.

Call (413) 586-8545 for further details

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