Tales from the Fans


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    Collector Times Online
    P. O. Box 882
    Bellaire, TX 77402-0882
or E-Mail probts@hal-pc.org

Native American Comics?

Looking for Jack Cole's early comic "Mantoka", a Native American superhero. Any info if any of these still exist? Thank you.

Hi Janet!

I couldn't find a Mantoka listing in my Overstreet Price Guide, but that doesn't neccessarily mean that the comic doesn't exist out there. Overstreet doesn't list every comic in existence, especially rare comics, which this sounds like this is. I'm going to put this on my website, and hopefully my readers might be able to give you some information.

If not, I have another suggestion. An old friend of mine, Terry Stroud, runs a mail order business called The American Comic Book Company. I don't have his address here, but he advertises in the magazine The Comics Buyers Guide. He is really good about tracking down comics, and is extremely knowledgeable about rare comics. I'd contact him, and see if he has any information on it.

    Good luck in your search!
    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

Star Wars Comics

Hi there,

I have 2 Star Wars comics that I am trying to find a value for. They are the Collector's Edition of the Marvel Special Edition #1 & #2. They are large size covers and are, I believe, the first comics to be released about the movie. They are Vol.1, #1 and Vol. 1, #2.They were printed in 1977.

If by chance you happen to know of a resource that could help me out, I would be very happy to get any info. you may have. I am having no luck in finding any resources myself. Even our local comic stores have been of no help at all. They just say, "Wow, those are old", but then tell me that they don't know where I could find out. The guides they have don't go back to '77.

Thank you and have a nice day.

p.s. If a scan of the cover would help, I can do that. I didn't want to waste your time downloading it if it won't help.

    Kent Olson

Hi Kent!

I get so many questions about comic prices, I went out and bought an Overstreet Price Guide. Each of your Star Wars Treasury books are listed as being worth $10 in perfect condition, $3 in fine condition, and $2 in good condition. This goes along with what I've seen at local conventions in the past...all of those oversized tabloids run between $4 - $10.

If I were going to sell them, I'd wait until the new Star Wars movie comes out. There is already so much hype on the movie, that after folks start to see it, they will want to buy. Then you'll probably be able to charge more for them.

    Hope this helps!
    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

How About Indies?

    Date sent: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 22:34:02 -0500 (CDT)
    To: probts@hal-pc.org
    From: glitch@newton.uic.net.ph (Glitch)
I was just wondering, do you feature NEW comics?(as in "struggling" comic book outfit trying to gain recognition)

Hi glitch!

Actually, we personally *like* indie books. My daughter and I read a little bit of everything. One of our personal favorites is an indie book called "The Three Geeks." If you look in the previous issue, The Surly Gamer mentions the comic "Knights of the Dinner Table." Most of the staff and I do like indie books. We support struggling creators by reviewing comics if they send them to us. We always publish all press releases in our press release section. Twice in the past 3 months, I've featured indie book covers on the front page of my site. So, yes, I think we do support struggling creators.

    Thanks for writing!
    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times


    Date sent: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 12:02:55 -0500 (CDT)
    From: karina@tcsn.net (Shawnna)
    To: probts@hal-pc.org
Help!!! I am having a hard time finding a web site that can tell me where I can find a magazine that publishes going rates for old comics. I have a package of three Wonder Women comics w/trading cards still in the original wrapping, I can't find any thing on this one.

I also have a box of different old comics from my father and no idea if they have any value.

Hi Shawnna!

I don't know if that Wonder Woman comics have any value yet, and if they are fairly recent, they probably don't. However, that box of old comics from your dad is probably worth something. There aren't any really good online price guides, but you can order my favorite print pricing guide online. I like The Overstreet Price Guide because it publishes realistic prices for comics, and trys to keep current on what comics are really selling for, out in the marketplace. You can pick up a copy at any comic shop in your area, or you can order one online at:


    Hope this helps!
    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

Old Magazines

    From: "Jim Wallace" <wallace@teknetwork.com>
    To: probts@hal-pc.org
    Subject: Old Time Magazine Market
    Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 21:04:40 -0500

Would your magazine or another you could recommend have information on whether there is a market for old magazines(Example Time Magazine with Joe Dimaggio on the cover from the 1940's).

Hi Jim!

Yes, there certainly is a market for old magazines. I know of a convention in Dallas that is held twice a year that only contains items from 1976 or earlier, and magazines are included in that mix. If you want to sell your magazines online, or just check out the market, I'd suggest you go over to:


You can run a search on magazines, and see what is currently offered. I suspect that Joe Dimaggio magazine could be offered under Collectibles: Paper, or in the Sports Memorabilia section.

    Hope this helps!
    Sheryl Roberts
    Editor, The Collector Times

Video Game Equipment

    From: jbrady@pricepointmicro.com (jeff brady)
    To: probts@hal-pc.org
    Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:03:07 -0500 (CDT)

can i get an instruction manual sent via e-mail re:the interAct V3 steering console.i acquired the wheel through a friend who no longer has the manual.

thanks.........jeff brady

Ian Johnston Replies:


Thanks for taking the time to direct your question my way. Instructions for all of InterAct's accessories can be found at their website which is located at http://www.interact-acc.com All you need to do is click on the "Products" link, then the "Playstation" link, and finally the "V3 Racing Wheel" link and you'll find at the bottom of the screen a link that'll take you to the instruction manual. Take care.

    Ian Johnston

Pantera Roja, Anyone?

    Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 12:50:03 -0500 (CDT)
    From: bobmanzanillo@rocketmail.com (bob)
    To: probts@hal-pc.org

i want to know something about de comic "pantera roja" that was in méxico 30 or 40 years a go.

thank you

Hi Bob!

We couldn't find out any information on this comic. If any of you readers out there know anything about this comic, please email Bob for us.

    Sheryl Roberts

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